Reviews for bitter and somehow Very Sweet tea
Guest chapter 12 . 6/28
this is too cute.
Also I'm the one who wrote the last two reviews on How to not have a healthh relationship. I should be studying but here I am. Sigh
Kawaii Luxio chapter 7 . 3/16/2019
Lmao can’t tell whether he’s getting her to be louder during oral or actual sex. Which one is it?
Guest chapter 13 . 1/6/2019
Is this chapter the revised version of the same prompt before it?
Kawaii Luxio chapter 12 . 11/30/2018
Awesome story, I love the style it's so satisfying to read
aurvltaa chapter 11 . 11/11/2018
I just read the new one, and it makes my heart ache soo bad. It's really pitiful for them who cannot together forever. I really love it, and I'm sad to know that this beautiful series has only two chapters left. Thank you soo much for your hard work in making lenrin stories, and I'm waiting for the new chapter.
Azure-Blue-15 chapter 11 . 10/31/2018
Aww man only two chapters? I'm so sad..
This was a good ride while it lasted though thank you
for writing this.
It started more as a smut collection and ended up
not being fully M rated but i enjoyed every single one
of these chapters regardless.
Even though you claim it's not your best for the last
few chapters every one of them has amazing plots.
( I'll probably review again about the chapter itself
after you edit it bc there are things i'm confused
about. Also that last sentence... god. )
MadEmpress chapter 10 . 10/11/2018
Are you Dani g requests for this?
Azure-Blue-15 chapter 10 . 10/5/2018
As i guessed the revamped version upset me just
as much.
I'm overly emphatic though it's not story's fault.
Usually suicide in fanfics is something i don't read
even though story doesn't directly revolve around it.
I'm glad i made a exception for you bc it was a
good read.
Just... please come back with a hardcore lemon
next time. My heart can't handle this.
aurvltaa chapter 10 . 10/4/2018
Its WONDERFUL as usual. Im so srry for dissapearing and suddenly give a comment out of nowhere. Im just busy with my life recently and FINALLY get a time to read your WONDERFUL fanfic uwu

This one is great. I feel so sad 'bout how rin can't forget len and how hard she's trying to make a new len w/ his memories and such. I actually want to know the detail 'bout rinlen relationship when len still alive and before miku came. But well, its still WONDERFUL without it.

And can i give u some request?(im such a b***h ik, im just pop out out of nowhere and suddenly give a request to u) Where len is a ceo but don't have interest w/ all the woman he meets, but fell in love at first sight when saw (older module) rin in bar (she's a high schooler), whose still so akward cuz thats her first time come to a bar but thats makes her interesting. Then len do anything(seducing) to get her.

Thank you for your hard work all this time and fighting for another chapter! I'll always support you, see you next time.
Captain Kohai Kogami chapter 9 . 10/3/2018
If you could (later if you want) do a army general!Len and P.O.W (prisoner of war)!Rin. Where Len has Rin in a single person prison cell so he can keep her as his personal "toy".
Captain Kohai Kogami chapter 10 . 10/3/2018
Ayy! you finally got to my request, thanks!
Umine Yumeka chapter 1 . 10/1/2018
kimasou chapter 10 . 10/1/2018
the emotions
my heart


okay, my heart is broken. it was abused, crushed, ripped apart, then patched up back together so this fic could destroy it again
omg, i loved this
i loved this
it's so nice, it's quite confusing but nice. i understood it. somewhat. but HEY I THINK I GOT IT
at least, part of it
either way, i loved this. it's so good. my god, xu

my god

i loved this so so so much
MadEmpress chapter 10 . 9/30/2018
This was depressing, what Happened to Len? Did he commit suicide or something?
Azure-Blue-15 chapter 10 . 9/30/2018
I'm waiting for the things you'll add bc man i believe
this can't get any better.
Plot makes me really sad though.. i prob won't be
able to focus on the sexy parts..
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