Reviews for Zootopia in Love
Tony Moonstone chapter 7 . 8/20/2018
Your Fanfiction was so incredibly beautiful!
I loved that you made the story around Clawhauser!
One of the best Zootopia Fanfiction ever.
Though I think you should mark it as complete, you might get more viewers that way.
I hope you write more starring Clawhauser soon.
Keep writing and I will continue reading!
Omnitrix 12 chapter 5 . 3/23/2018
Hmm. I like the idea of Gazelle learning a new art form, Clawhauser developing as a tougher, more capable character, and so on, but honestly, everything ran way too fast here. You cover it some with Gazelle's art skills, but one does not become a master marksman overnight, or genetically. The necessary physical qualities can be inherited (good eyesight and reflexes), but the coordination and muscle memory simply don't develop that fast - especially if you've gotten yourself as out of shape as Ben.

I hate to be so tough on you, but I was hoping for something more realistic.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/9/2018
i loved the ending and the relationship clawhauser and gazelle had together. and how through thick and thin they were happy in the end after everything they endured through.
Omnitrix 12 chapter 4 . 2/25/2018
Definitely liked this better than the last chapter. It wasn't perfect, but I like how you created background for some of the key moments and elements in the movie, and the grief felt very genuine. You might want to tone down the angst in the future - her mother's reaction to the bike accident was a bit outre, for example - but I definitely liked this chapter.
Omnitrix 12 chapter 3 . 2/18/2018
Well, as much as I hate to post such a negative review (especially as the first review on a chapter), after your previous chapters i was expecting something a little more impressive.

It has, really, two main problems. Those two, however, really dragged you down here. One was that too much of it made no sense. For example, why would Chief Bogo have such respect for one fox before the movie and then so flatly dismiss even trusting one as a corroborating witness in the movie?

The other snag was how the character's were handled; nobody felt like themselves. Judy was petty and immature, Nick was a spineless pushover, and Silvia... well is it too much to ask for one WildeHopps love triangle where the third party is a decent competitor or at least a developed character? Maybe something like in The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

As I said, I hate to be so negative here. I did like Hannah's cameo the antics with the younger bunnies, but the rest of it... it just doesn't work.
Aeshna Lacrymosa chapter 7 . 2/12/2018
Despite the length of this chapter, it felt rather rushed especially after the climax. Dawn adopting Hannah came out of nowhere and had no reason as they had no prior interaction. The last minute conflict with Hannah felt a little forced and took away what the story probably should have been focusing on: Bogo's wrongs and his deserved comeuppance. And despite the previous chapters giving Nick and Judy a lot of focus, there wasn't quite enough of them at the epilogue. The epilogue could have been posted as a separate chapter, so it didn't seem as hurried and each thread could have been given ample focus. But the Benjamin/Gazelle romance, an unusual pairing in the fandom as far as I've seen, works exquisitely, and the closing of them story is immensely satisfying.
Omnitrix 12 chapter 2 . 2/10/2018
I'm impressed. Firstly because I expected another simple romance chapter, and you completely overturned my expectations. Good job.

Secondly because you managed a very different take on the usual "abused child" story. Seems like most stories about kids down on their luck are through the kid's eyes, and it's them against the world. In this one, the world looked and did something. It's like "Holes" meets "The Boxcar Children " or something. Most refreshing.
Aeshna Lacrymosa chapter 4 . 2/10/2018
This was a heartbreaking story. I love how each chapter blends into each other. Beautiful as always.
Aeshna Lacrymosa chapter 2 . 2/10/2018
This chapter is really intense! Beautifully written.
Omnitrix 12 chapter 1 . 2/6/2018
Well, certainly a very emotional chapter. I like the idea of a celebrity refusing to compromise like that (and considering how revealing her attire in the movie was, I'm pretty worried as to what her manager wanted her to wear). The chapter, and especially the romantic angle, did feelrather rushed, but this story arc being effectively a one-shot makes that more understandable.

I think this would do very well as an expanded story; more detail on Gazelle's efforts to make ends meet, definitely more about her connection with Clawhauser, and maybe some kind of effort to rebuild her life.
grifx chapter 7 . 1/20/2018
Stephen King is that you? How is it possible that a story this incredible can exist? Joking aside, this fic is heartwarming, heartbreaking, and deeply powerful. Puts the movie to shame, no lie. Very very VERY well done and thank you so much for writing it. Everyone NEEDS to read this one.
Derek Dumas chapter 1 . 1/17/2018
Is this the full story I'm hoping to read everything about it
Fox in the hen house chapter 1 . 1/17/2018
This was already a story. Are you reposting for the author in just chopped up shorter chapters?
Camoss chapter 1 . 1/15/2018
Great start! Benny's got a big heart! Can't wait to see where this goes