Reviews for Rurouni Yahiko (るろうに弥彦)
Rcm11 chapter 2 . 12/20/2018
I can imagine Kenji's cuteness! And also, mind your words.
Footprint chapter 4 . 12/24/2016
Again amazing worth reading for any Kenshin fan
Footprint chapter 1 . 12/23/2016
Wow this fan doc is really amazing as though it is not a fan fic but an actual published story
L chapter 1 . 10/18/2016
Guest chapter 1 . 8/12/2016
Wow really good, very readable, characters feel spot on hope it continues
Skaz Wolfman chapter 6 . 1/24/2014
Well then...this got really zany all of a sudden. Funny though. I like it. And I LOVE 8-Bit Theater too!
Skaz Wolfman chapter 4 . 1/24/2014
A thrilling fight, to be sure. I admire Kyoko's audacious spirit in the face of terror. Also, I find the Soujiro/Sesshoumaru comparison to be somewhat amusing, seeing as Soujiro is just as emotionally stunted and aloof as Sesshy appears to be, but hides it behind a perpetual mock-smile.
Skaz Wolfman chapter 2 . 1/24/2014
Pretty righteous so far. I was particularly pleased to see that Kaoru got to kick some ass. I'm now "officially" following this. The only thing I'm curious about so far is this: If Masahiro had a family to receive his ashes, then how was he the last of his clan? Aside from that, this was a nice chapter.
NET chapter 30 . 11/21/2013
I guess the real reason that Yahiko seems to irritated by Soujirou so much is might came from the fact that deep down he respect that ever smiling dude a lot more than he will admit it to himself. These two's paths will crossed again, that is what I can be certain for.
NET chapter 28 . 10/21/2013
I'm kinda surprised that all of the combatants of the bloody duel had survived in the end.

The fight is intent as usual but I think you should tone down the use of flash back and inner dialogue a bit, because whiles it's good to know what the character's thinking and what motivates them, but if use too much it would distract the flow of the fight and kill and make it less trilled.
NET chapter 27 . 10/7/2013
Wow, that must be one of the most exciting duel I've ever read in fanfiction.

(Even though, had it be real humans those two would already be dead by the loss of blood)

Keep going, I want to see the results of this duel so badly already.
NET chapter 25 . 9/8/2013
Soujirou is indeed a show 's stealer. Every time he fight you can guarantee that the fight's scene will be superb!

Hell, I actually start to think that he's the main character of this fic rather than Yahiko.
waffleswafflesyumyumyum chapter 7 . 12/13/2011
Awww damn, you're a Filipino! Hehe, I thought of "My Brother's Peculiar Chicken" when I started reading the part where Yahiko and Gan argue about the chicken. X3

((The Sony dub of "Samurai X" sucked a lot. Dx))
Edward Phillips chapter 5 . 6/17/2010
I am not an anime or manga fan but I absolutely love Rurouni Kenshin. I liked this chapter and your charactizations were pretty accurate. I read it and I could actually hear Rurouni Kenshin anime music in my head during the big fight. But I hope your not going to create some sort of romance between Kyoko and Yahiko. Thats why I hate that episode with that cannon ball girl Marimo. I like Yahiko with Tsubame. Well anyway, Ive read all these chapters and they are brilliant and be sure to finish the story soon! By the way, you did good with Soujiro but I found him a little annoying-maybe there is something missing in your portrayal of him or maybe its just because I like Yahiko so much. Thanks for the story and please carry on when you have time.
FlamingPurpleBunnies chapter 5 . 9/4/2009
Wai~ Please update!
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