Reviews for Cafe Rouge
Chocolatebunny-san chapter 20 . 5/23/2019
Wow! Totally awesome story. It was full and the emotions were realistic and complex for the most part. Congrats on finishing. Thanks for this work!
Guest chapter 20 . 4/13/2019
I love this so much- thank you for seeing it through to the end! You are a wonderful writer!
Dragonfly chapter 20 . 4/1/2019
As much as I loved the ending, I was so not ready for that. This will definitely be one I come back to and reread.
Guest chapter 19 . 3/31/2019
Ohhhh! I loved all of this, it was amazing and I can't wait to see what you put into your new story.
nawxy chapter 18 . 3/14/2019
desperately crossing my fingers for an update soon!
Mandapandaa chapter 18 . 2/18/2019
Holy shit that was so good!
Lannah chapter 18 . 1/27/2019
I have loved this story. I'm so very sad to see it end. Thank you for this gift to the FairyTail Fanfic world.
BlackRoseTia chapter 18 . 1/28/2019
Soooo good! I alway have a hard time putting it down!
nowitsagummybear chapter 18 . 1/27/2019
trienniagala chapter 18 . 1/27/2019
THIS WAS SO AMAZING OMG OMG I LOVED IT SO MUCH! i’ll be waiting anxiously for the next part! thank you so much for another great chapter :-)
Dragonfly chapter 17 . 1/21/2019
Come back soon! That was a great chapter and I need to know what comes next.
lisbeth chapter 17 . 1/20/2019
This has been such a captivating and amazing story thus far - you are an incredible writer! Please please please find the time to continue, what a cliffhanger you’ve left us all with! D:
frantsiskakutevska chapter 17 . 1/20/2019
Please update sooner and make them stay together don't kill them please
Guest chapter 17 . 1/17/2019
My poor babes! I can't wait to read what you have in store for them.
Vampire Hanyou chapter 1 . 1/18/2019
you are in my favorites, im always waiting update from you! loved this chapter, ohhhhh the drama, the angst, Feed me more! lol
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