Reviews for The Butterfly's Dream
Takadoshi Uzumaki chapter 39 . 6/28
I'm gonna miss this fic. xC
Brazoalda chapter 24 . 5/28
The last one was AWESOME!
Spellflame chapter 21 . 5/24
I like it
Spellflame chapter 10 . 5/24
He could put her in a shadow clone?
jbXCR12 chapter 39 . 8/6/2019
It was a beautiful story
HeWhoShouldn'tBeNamed chapter 22 . 6/7/2019
...this is getting a bit personal
islamy96 chapter 3 . 2/2/2019
this is first concept that i read and my goodness this is great.
as for shippers they are gonna ship as long as two human being in fiction interact. i dont suprise if there is a Ruby X Qrow somewhere.
strong yourself for they want you to sink to their ships.
Blinded in a bolthole chapter 39 . 1/9/2019
Good read. Though I half expected in addition to fully bypassing 4th war there would be a conclusion to tale of Salem too. She might be immortal but she can be sealed away.
Blinded in a bolthole chapter 36 . 1/9/2019
Note to self; never ever employ Kurama's Matchmaking Services. Ever. It might be "garuanteed to work" but it ain't worth the hassle.
Blinded in a bolthole chapter 26 . 1/8/2019
Ya know everyone in Natutoverse hates Iwa for their backstabbing, double-dealing ways. Being angry at Fourth, something which is almost exclusively diverted from a tiny skirmish in Kakashi Garden shouldn't warrant such hatred. Well not when Third Raikage single handedly slaughtered 10000 Ninja, a good portion of them dressed as Iwa nin, in one battle.

Also, the guy from Konoha they (as in everyone everywhere) hated was Danzou who actively went out of his way to be horrible to everyone.
Blinded in a bolthole chapter 24 . 1/8/2019
Oh, thank God.
Blinded in a bolthole chapter 21 . 1/8/2019
What's with the creepy mother scene? I probably will get an answer n the next 18 chapters.
Blinded in a bolthole chapter 20 . 1/8/2019
And now Naruto has a scythe too. Though this one is a grizzlier weapon than CR by far.
Blinded in a bolthole chapter 19 . 1/8/2019
Cardin while not dumb is still a dumbass. He will try the sap trick won't he?
Blinded in a bolthole chapter 18 . 1/8/2019
Ya know, I was wondering why Velvet didn't kick Cardin's arse considering how capable she turned out to be. My best guess is it was like Bellamy and Luffy situation.
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