Reviews for The Game
e chapter 4 . 1/1
the headcannonssss so goood
memb was totally lying
Asme chapter 14 . 6/22/2018
So I just read this entire masterpiece and I loved every little word of it~ it was a truly wonderful story and I can't wait to read the sequel!
Demonic Irken chapter 1 . 5/9/2018
This was really good.
Guest chapter 14 . 5/7/2018
Awww what an adorable ending! I can’t wait to see how these guys develop in the sequel! Sounds like stuff is gonna go down!
RissyNicole chapter 14 . 5/6/2018
Awww, what a cute way to wrap up this story! Short and sweet, but so full of emotion at the same time. I was so glad to see Gir fixed and reunited with Zim, at the hands of his former adversary no less. Those guys have come a long way and I can't wait to see where life will take them. I guess I'll just have to wait for the sequel!
otherrealmwriter chapter 14 . 5/6/2018
The ending was so sweet there. Can't wait for the sequel
RissyNicole chapter 13 . 5/5/2018
Ooh, this chapter had a lot going on! So many different insights from all the characters and a definite sense of tying up loose ends before the sequel (which I’m so excited to read by the way!)

I loved the scene between Zim and Dib. They’ve both grown so much as people and it really shows in this endearing little scene while they make their way home. Zim may have some inner demons haunting him as he adjusts to his new ‘normal,’ on Earth without a mission, but it made me so happy to hear Dib’s promise to stick by his side. Now, I will admit, I’m not a ZADR shipper. Despite that, though, I truly believe it can be written well and I’ve seen solid proof to reinforce that belief. It’s an interesting relationship to explore and I love seeing IZ authors craft their stories and characterizations to make it work in a believable sense. You did an exceptional job with this fic.

I love how skeptical Red is regarding the success of their plan and quite frankly, I don’t blame him. I imagine his lingering doubts will probably set the stage for the sequel, once those two find out for certain that Zim made it out alive. Just predictions, though! Red has always struck me as the more calculating and intuitive of the two, which I’ve explored in my own writing. I love how you depict him in a similar sense here! And those flashback scenes! I can’t tell you how fascinating it was to get that little snippet from the Tallest and their humble beginnings into accepting that royal status. It really sheds some new light on them, as opposed to just portraying them as the pompous rulers they transitioned into.

Okay, the scene at the very end with Atra really leaves us all hanging. I loved it! Atra really has a lot that she keeps under wraps, and this subtle disclosure of her true identity may just be the biggest secret yet. So her appearance is just a hologram? Ooh, is she a Vortian? She’s so crafty and smart! I look forwards to seeing how her character develops and what happens next with her!
dib07 chapter 10 . 5/1/2018
Gosh! What they do to him is so wrong, just.. so wrong!
I was fearful, I didn't know what he would do and if he could smell a rat, but he did what I inevitably thought he would do: be the gullible Irken that he was, and fall for the ploy. He was surrounded to. Like, there was nowhere he could really go, and he was so emotionally shocked as well, that I doubt he could have reacted any different, even if he had had more time.

It was a battalion of emotions. You had me on edge the entire time, and now it's late, I gotta go hit the hay, and boy I don't know how I'm going to wait until the next chapter without taking a cheeky sneak-peak at it. I'm not very good at waiting for the proper time when I can sit down and read and review, lol.

What a way to disable one of their own soldiers. I know Zim's a bit of a fruit cake. And I know he's done his fair share of genocidal killing, but ah! What a punishment. I love him too much. He's my fruit cake! *weeps quietly*

Hurry up Dib! Come with your battle tanks, yo!
dib07 chapter 9 . 5/1/2018
Ah, that bittersweet moment when they touched hands, and then Zim got interrupted by the in-coming transmission of his 'Tallest' arriving when really it wasn't his Tallest at all but the calm, cool, deceptive Atra.

I see that Dib and Zim are finally closing corners and coming to better terms with each other. They are now stepping over the threshold and being honest. Dib wants something, and Zim wants something, even though their separate cultures still clash. And then, PLOT comes down heavy and hard, and Zim must leave, duped as he is in the clutches of his possible-inevitable assassin.
I loved Dib's mixed bag of emotions, and how chill he was, confronting Zim, and confessing his feelings. Zim is still very anchored by his responsibilities, but this may very well change, depending on what happens next. I hope he clues on soon, BUT hey, Dib is looking out for him, even if Zim knows it not. So my fingers are crossed for them both, as much as said between the two, and I can't have Atra end it! XD
RissyNicole chapter 12 . 4/29/2018
Hi there! I finally finished binge-reading this story and I just wanted to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed it so far!

You keep Zim and Dib so in-character and I love how their rivalry has kind of evolved throughout their time spent in each others’ company. They’re both so stubborn, but there’s definitely been a major shift in their relationship over the years. It’s evident that they genuinely care for one another and I loved reading those little moments where they show this.

Also, your take on Irken culture is VERY well written; I love how you portray everything from the universal view on defectives, to the odd relationship between the Tallest and the Control Brains. I even like Atra quite a bit, and I’m not usually super fond of most OCs! She’s pretty multi-faceted and crafty, though, and I look forward to seeing what she’ll do next.

Finally, I adore how fast-paced and thought-provoking this fic is overall! I love me some good drama! XD Excellent job! I look forward to reading the next chapter and finding out what happens next. Keep up the great work!
Guest chapter 10 . 4/19/2018
dib07 chapter 7 . 4/19/2018
First off: I am deeply sorry for your loss. I had no idea. I know we've all known or had someone really close to us pass away, but it never, ever gets any easier. I wish we'd been better warned as kids how tough life is, and to take nothing for granted. You are a brave soldier, updating your story for us greedy readers, and trying to keep in your routine. Regardless, my thoughts are with you.
And yes, I would really, REALLY LOVE to see 'The Game' come to life in a comic! I wonder if it'll be a tie in with the sequel, a sort of standalone, or just something extra, OR really nice compliment art to the story! :) I am looking forward to it, BTW I also had to hit my head on a brick wall, twice - hard -because for some reason I wasn't following you on Tumblr. And now I am. Man, I am such a moron! *god help me I am so stupid*

Anyway, on with the story! XD
OOooh Oh! Atra (NICE name) has offered a quick, clean alternative. My angsty vibes are being tickled! This method will save the Empire a lot of money and resources. And yeah, Zim is tricky; he has trickery on his side, and a fudge-ton of luck. He is likened to Loki from the Norse legends. And ouch, what a way to kill one of their own! I wonder how far Atra's theory will go, and if it'll come to fruition! Look out Zim! I'm getting 'All Dogs Go to Heaven' vibes!

No Zim NO! Don't go to the celebration party! But he's so gullible, so steadfast in the belief that the Tallest are accepting him back; and have miraculously figured out a way to fix his defectiveness. It's such a cheap way to lure Zim back to them, to get him on-board the ship with Atra. Zim's putting himself right into their jaws; making it easier for them. I hope he clues onto them sooner than she/they can implant him with the virus. I assume she is going to try and plug the CPU chip into his PAK port, like a syringe kinda.

Zim starting to wear more relaxing, human clothes! That is cute! I can also imagine him having to cut away the fabric at the back to make room for his PAK!

Ambiguous ending to the chapter there, I like it!
I wonder what Dib meant by that...
dib07 chapter 6 . 4/19/2018
Before I get into the review, just wanna say I quickly read your note in chapter 10! SAKVADKBDK I have to wait for the sequel! Ah I cannot contain...the anticipation! UGH! *dies*

Poor Zim. He's chewing on the 'defective status' and it's toiling around inside. I liked the computer's definition: 'of a certain gene pattern coinciding in the gene pattern of defective irkens.' Yeah, you really can't get around that, when it's in your genes. Your DNA basically. And it's a part of Zim. There is no cure, no solution. It's a part of him as his own skin is a part of him.

And you've struck home a very important point. It sadly doesn't matter what Zim can and will accomplish: whether he dominates a 1000 planets, the Tallest will forever want him far from reach, and would be happy to hate him for an eternity.

'Defective or not, you're still Zim.'
Ah Dib! That was fucking awesome of him! Truly said! I salute you, Dib! Good old Dib to remind him of his uniqueness. No one can take that away from him, or judge him on that.

The 'Zim is Over' celebration. Yeah. YEAH. Omg that is so canon. Those Tallest bastards!
And no, omg no! The Control Brains have instigated Zim's execution? They just can't leave him alone, can they? It makes a lot of sense, the Empire cannot tolerate the thought of a rogue Irken, even if that Irken isn't of any measurable threat. Just... ugh!

And Gaz and Dib. The exchange between them was comical and SO in character. I think Dib's a little sad, to think his sister has grown up so soon, and found a boyfriend. And he still watches over her in his own sweet way.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/19/2018
YES! Dib's following Zim to space!
Guest chapter 7 . 4/19/2018
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