Reviews for Tell The Devil To Take You Back
nightreader10 chapter 10 . 4/3
Hey! I was just thinking about this fic the other day; about how the plot is original, and the characters are badasses, and how I wish I had more of the story. I just noticed it's hit over a year since it's been updated. I know life is crazy right now, like ridiculously surreal, but I wanted you to know your writing is missed. Not just by me, but I for one am definitely missing your fic here:D If you felt like coming back to it, people would be so excited! I hope you tell us more of this story of yours at some point. I know it may not be soon, but just know people are rooting for you to write a bit more. Have a nice night and stay safe out there!
FourShot411 chapter 10 . 3/21
This is an awesome story! I really hope you continue it. Is Rey like part-demon or something? I'm just curious to see how she plays in all of this. Any who, thanks for posting! I'm looking forward to more!
White.Demon.Feathers chapter 10 . 3/8/2019
This is a really fun story! Please, please update! I don't wanna wait so long!
fayleafowl chapter 9 . 7/22/2018
Go away Hux your presence is not wanted girl you need to calm down and think before you end up on the wring side of 't wait for the next chapter I love this an it gives me inspiration for a story am working on based on a dream I have that had a cyberpunk theme.
fayleafowl chapter 7 . 7/22/2018
So that's the nameless guy huh lol Finn no wonder there so happy over and Kylo seem to be hiding there feels for each other.
fayleafowl chapter 6 . 7/22/2018
Fiiiiiire,I said he's hot he's hot he's rally look at him go that KYLO all the way what a fight.
fayleafowl chapter 5 . 7/22/2018
Kylo and Rey just get a room or go down stairs because you to ate fogging up the place with is bull headed just take the sword.
fayleafowl chapter 2 . 7/22/2018
Man I could feel the heat in the air spiraling around from here,man that was hot until the guy walked in
nightreader10 chapter 8 . 4/15/2018
This is such a unique fic. I'm really invested in seeing how this plays out, especially with a prophecy tied into the story! I just know that the prophecy also mentions something about Rey and I'm excited to hear all that it entails. Thank you for sticking with this story, I'm so excited for the next chapter! You're an amazing author and this is an awesome fic; don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Krunkookaid89 chapter 7 . 4/10/2018
I’m loving this story so much! I can’t wait to read what happens next!
Guest chapter 5 . 2/14/2018
So good. I love this story
Ej chapter 4 . 2/9/2018
Would mamma leia(earlier chapter) dinner be owned by a different ?
27vampyresinhermind chapter 4 . 2/7/2018
Aww thank you for the shoutout lovey! I'm glad you like my reviews because I like giving them. Whoever that dipshit is at the beginning of your A/N can fuck themselves with a cactus. I hate fuckers like that. Now on to my ramble!
Sassy protective Maz gives me life! I love how she called Rey hers, protective mother witch of wonderfulness. Like "you fuckers involved my baby in this bullshit what is wrong with you!" I love the way you're pulling from the show still. These are two worlds I never could've imagined could cross but you manage it beautifully. When is Finn gonna get named? Nameless Man is Finn right? Poor thing just wants to get the hell out of Dodge. Lol at Rey being somewhat blasé about demons. Like sure, this town's fucked up, why wouldn't there be demons too. Maz being a witch is fantastic. It fits in with her character too because she just is filled with knowledge about everything possible so why wouldn't she also have magical knowledge in a story like this. I love it! I think I'm confused over whether Kylo is being considered the heir here though. I'm pretty sure it isnt Rey, she's just caught in the middle of it all. When he touched that sword, makes me think it's him. I mean, I know you'll reveal very little lol but I have to ask the questions on the off chance that you slip up and give me a juicy story secret. Fingers crossed! In any case, I love it still!
Qui-Gon-Ginn-and-Tonic chapter 4 . 2/7/2018
Trolls will be trolls- pay them no mind, it only goes to their already overinflated heads. In other news, I never knew I wanted a gritty Star Wars/supernatural/x files-type of story (I mean, where are Sam and Dean?! Am I right? *points* That guy knows what’s up!) but I do and I’m fucking here for it. Well done! Eagerly awaiting more of this entertaining as hell story.
27vampyresinhermind chapter 3 . 2/5/2018
Omfg now I’m gonna be wracking my brain trying to figure out what SD means! Finn’s the traitor dude right? Would that make Hux Bobo? Or none of the above because this isn’t Wynonna Earp, it’s just in the same vein. Shut up Meagan. Gah I wanna know now! So much mystery with everyone’s true nature already! Can’t wait for Kylo and Poe to interact. That’s gonna be fantastic. And yay for Maz! I feel like she’s prolly gonna know all about everything already and will be a fount if knowledge that doesn’ what fountains do. Splash? Trickle? Whatever. Maz will prolly keep her mouth shut except for vague ambiguities that will drive me up the wall and I’m already excited enough! I’m like a puppy! More!
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