Reviews for Specialisation is for insects
Mylovemaura chapter 92 . 6/25
I've stumbled across your story and this fanfic. It has been an absolute pleasure to read this whole thing, back to back. Some of the kink was a bit hard for me but hey, live and let live. Everyone to their own and by the time i got into it, well I was into it so to speak. I love this pairing. Their chemistry is wild and you have caught this absolutely without compromising their personalities. Well done, Bravo! So generous to share your work for the pleasure of others. Thank you so much...
Akuma-Chibi chapter 92 . 5/29
I don't know where to start. I feel as if I learned a lot from you story. It was such an impressive 91 chapters of words play, character and plot marriage, among other things (kink, description, accuracy among the dom/sub culture). I just... it was refreshing. I don't know how best to thank you for such a colorfully descriptive and well developed piece of fanfiction.

While my sleep schedule most certainly suffered over the last 3 days of binging this in-between balancing life, errands and work, I simply couldn't put it down. Losing sleep was something I could condone at the conclusion of your story. Once again, thank you. For taking the time to deliver a well thought out universe that complimented the characters and embrace the science of Theoretical Physics. It was wildly appreciated.

In the chaos of today, I'll end this missive with:
Stay safe, healthy. Live long and prosper.
AlexandriaBiast chapter 91 . 1/7
An absolutlu FANTASTIC story. You didn't make the sex the focus point. instead, you weaved it into everything else. I love this story,
turbomagnus chapter 58 . 12/8/2019
This chapter is extra enjoyable for those familiar with the differences between different kinds of gamers; the role-players, the 'roll'-players, the Rules Lawyers, the 'kill-everythings' and so forth. The best example is how Howard's 'kill everything' style kept conflicting with Penny's roleplaying, it brought back memories of my own times gaming.

Ironically enough, Leonard is probably to be commended for managing to run the game involving different styles and alignments without any major conflicts between the players.
Guest chapter 64 . 6/5/2019
Please write out the meaning of what they are saying in Klingon
Guest chapter 19 . 6/4/2019
You have him saying that he has a photographic memory when it's the other one and I can't recall the word right now though you had Sheldon correcting penny about it a few chapters ago
Clavyus chapter 91 . 6/2/2019
A fun, sexy romp. Excellent pacing. One bit of nitpicking: with Sheldon in his fifties, wasn't Penny too old for a pregnancy?
Guest chapter 92 . 1/18/2019
You have to write another Sheldon and Penny with maybe more of them speaking Klingon interactions. if possible pls. i enjoyed the story as well
countrygirl21 chapter 60 . 12/14/2018
Oh, poor Sheldon! No wonder he's not a fan of Christmas.
joe joe chapter 69 . 10/14/2018
should not be rated m as their is no sexual content. if there is the boring story is not worth wading through
Mowgli chapter 91 . 6/15/2018
Wow, this was such a wonderful story! I hope you continue tonto write sheldon and penny fanfic!
Mowgli chapter 64 . 6/14/2018
Great chapter,I loved the hunting interaction between the two. I do wish you'd include translations to the klingon at the end of the chapter
Mowgli chapter 35 . 6/13/2018
What a perfect song choice!
Mowgli chapter 32 . 6/13/2018
This was my favorite chapter so far, so sweet
SixOneSix chapter 91 . 5/28/2018
Very cute... really great story... maybe hope to see a sequel...
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