Reviews for The Arrangement
Silent Wolf Singer chapter 14 . 8/1
Daenerys truly has the strength of a dragon.
Can we castrate and kill Viserys already or call the police? At this point, Viserys is going to jail. Also bring Jorah back!
Update soon. I can't wait for another month. You have me hooked.
Silent Wolf Singer chapter 13 . 6/28
Damn, this is getting intense. Please update soon!
Silent Wolf Singer chapter 12 . 6/20
Damn I was really hoping for this not to be a incest story. But oh well, still a good chapter
Silent Wolf Singer chapter 11 . 5/18
I'm glad they are talking more and knowing more about each other.
Silent Wolf Singer chapter 10 . 5/7
I was so happy to wake seeing you have updated.
Your story is awesome. Please, I'm begging you. Update soon!
traceytree chapter 9 . 3/25
Thanks for the update. Great chapter. Sorry you aren’t able to work at this time but I’m pleased to be able to read your story. Everything seems so up in the air at the moment. Stay safe.
Silent Wolf Singer chapter 9 . 3/25
For a long time I thought this story was discontinued. Thank you for posting. I cant wait for more.
WolvieLover chapter 8 . 11/25/2019
Great chapter can’t wait for the next update!
Silent Wolf Singer chapter 8 . 11/23/2019
Awesome story. Although you switched from third pov to first pov and back to third. Also stop torturing in waiting three to four months for the next chapter
Karkoolka chapter 7 . 10/19/2019
Pls write moore
Meggy15 chapter 7 . 9/10/2019
So, that was a lot of edgy for one chapter, some counter-flirting from Daenerys herself (ho-ho, go Dany!) and a kiss. Also, she should open up to Sansa and Missandei, they're great friends!
I would say this was a great chapter! I wait patiently to see what happends next!
angel897 chapter 7 . 8/4/2019
lovely new chapter to read
WolvieLover chapter 7 . 8/3/2019
Great chapter. I love a confident and flirty Jorah! Can’t wait for the next update
Silent Wolf Singer chapter 7 . 8/1/2019
It has been forever since you last posted a. Chapter. Also They Finally Kissed. Good chapter, although you did switch from third petdon pov to first person pov and back to third person. Other than that a good chapter. Hope you update soon.
Zuccari chapter 1 . 7/16/2019
Thank you for posting again! I’m really enjoying this story
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