Reviews for Wolves and Lambs
Scififan33 chapter 13 . 8/13
Poor Duo! He kicked out a horcrux? Wonder if they can get it out of Harry? Poor Remus, to have not known and then go through all of this with Duo only to not know if he'll ever see his son again. Glad Wufei and Heero could reach him. Can't see the Preventers liking Fudge's denial. Looking forward to more!
SisterFreaks chapter 13 . 6/29
Best last line in a chapter ever.
Amby28 chapter 13 . 4/25
I love it hope you finish it
olivia.rodriguez.927 chapter 13 . 3/29
love it~
hellzboy chapter 13 . 3/29
LOVE IT! and yay! Duo's awake! The feels are real ya'll! 3 Can't wait for more!

Writing was superb and imagery was on point. (I wish that someone paints the description with deathscythe and the ruins and all the memories and stuff) And very nice touch to the name 'Baptism', it really fits. I almost cried.
Jengurl24 chapter 13 . 3/28
Yay, update! Thank you for another amazing chapter!
TripOverFlatSurfaces chapter 13 . 3/28
Thank goodness they aired out some shit! I think they really needed it. The baptism scene was quite powerful. I felt that love from the tip of my toes to the tip of my heart.
Alanna chapter 13 . 3/28
Yes a new chapter. It’s really nice to knew more of the feelings from the boys. Let’s hope duo gets his happy ending with heero after all this. Pleas write soon?
Daygon Yuuki chapter 13 . 3/28
Stupid Alerts. Never work. Hopefully, we will see more frequent updates in the coming days? No pressure
pat chapter 13 . 3/28
This is hands down the best chapter you have written to date in this story! I loved how you touched on his past youth and his horrific tragedies for such a young child as well as all the g-boys demons and post war pstds. And here I thought Duo's flight was something as frivolous as heero making an unexpected pass!Lol! Please don't take as long for the next chapter cause its time for mission Voldemort!Nimyu Ryokai? Lol think I spelled that wrong!
DGtnsl chapter 13 . 3/27
DUO! Awake at last! The imagery in this was so intense, almost like watching a movie (or anime, lol). Excellent work, you dragged me right in along with Heero, Wufei, and Duo. And we learn what actually happened with Heero! Here I was, wondering if it was cheating or something, but this is just as bad (or worse) in a different way. At least Heero was getting therapy, though he shouldn't have lied about it. Death... The Gundam five have their own relationships with it. If Lupin knew, he'd be even more devastated.
hey, they saw Slytherin's cursed amulet as the cause! I wonder if they'll remember and do something upon seeing the necklace in real life.
TrenchcoatMan chapter 13 . 3/27
Even though you told us last chapter, The big 'why' is finally revealed. I can see this particular version of Heero resulting to suicide, I'm glad he didn't though. he definitely has more to live for.

Have you paired up any of the other boys. In the past, when you were going over Wu Fei's travels, it looked like only Heero and Duo had hooked up, but I'm always looking for my 3x4. I've always actually liked 5xS, even though so many fans who favor Shounen Ai in this series want to make Fei gay as well.

I can't say a chapter without the HP crew is too odd. I do love the gundam crew quite a bit after all, but it'll be good to see Duo interacting with his true family and introducing them to his dad and all the interesting interactions that are bound to happen.

Any chance Ron mistakes Quatre for a Malfoy? He has the looks, the wealth and at times the disposition, though battlewise he's really more up there with Dumbledore.

This was a really good chapter, just what I needed after a grueling day of working. (works at a hospital). I was like... I wonder if Wolves and Lambs has updated.. I saw that it had and i smiled.

Hope yer keeping healthy and sane in this troubled time.

DarkRavie chapter 13 . 3/27
I really like this story. It is an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
Kawisdom chapter 13 . 3/27
I think I understand what you mean about Duo not being a believer in the doctrine sense as compared to a feeling of sacredness, which his loved ones and childhood home did seem to hold for him. You answered questions and gave these young men a chance to settle or at least address some problems, like Heero's suicide attempt and Duo's fear of loss. And there were beautiful moments, too, from their memories together and the cleansing at the end.
Jengurl24 chapter 1 . 3/17
Wow, what an interesting crossover idea! I was wondering just how you would handle the extreme time period and technology differences but after reading your end notes it seems you've got it planned pretty well. Liking the plot concept so far, will definitely keep reading!
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