Reviews for He's a Keeper
Someone aka Me chapter 7 . 7/8/2018

literally i love this

i love fred and george as awkward matchmakers and percy and oliver as awkward teens and PERCY GOING HEY MAYBE THIS ISN"T SO BAD and fred and george making jokes about percy's head is perfection. this whole thing is perfection. ALL THE BED SHARING
Someone aka Me chapter 4 . 7/8/2018

like i love that they're in different stages and oliver's clearly been coming a while and he's got his shit together and is completely down for helping everyone else and i still can't believe you PARALYSED HIM RUDE OKAY

and then percy who doesn't want to go but didn't expect this and MY BABIES HEALING TOGETHER YES
Someone aka Me chapter 6 . 4/27/2018
fucking hell i love this.

palm reader oliver who refuses to play into all the shit that comes with it so he just sits there looking damn fine in his jeans and reads palms, because that's the part he believes in, and he's not going to hide behind fancy clothes or incense.
ahhhh. i love it.

percy is gorgeous. dragged in by penny yes i approve. midlife crisis percy makes so much fucking sense. and I love him taking a break and finding out what he wants as well as the confidence to go for it (mmm, confidence. yes).

adorable babies are adorable.

i love you. I love this.
Someone aka Me chapter 5 . 3/28/2018
I love your Perciver so much, I hope you know that.

This is so BEAUTIFUL. It's soft and sweet and vulnerable and everything that a good love story should be. Percy pulling away from Oliver even though he clearly wants to move closer because he can't tell anyone is so painful, because I just want to see him happy. It makes a nicer parallel to him pulling away because he thought the Ministry was in the right.

People keeping their powers a secret for the good of all and it creating relationship angst is high key one of my favorite tropes in superhero fics and you've captured it perfectly here.

Telepath Percy is gorgeous. I love that he almost wishes he didn't have his powers (I love when people do that with superheroes). And Healer!Oliver is equally amazing.

I'm snickering so much about Percy thinking Oliver would make a terrible spy. HE SO WOULD. ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE.

And Oliver, letting them part and then showing BACK UP, like, bro, imma have regrets if I don't do this, so I just really need to kiss you now. Fucking adorable, and so very Oliver as well.

This is just beautiful. I love it so much. You're making me want to go seek out all the Perciver and read it all.
Cheeky Slytherin Lass chapter 5 . 3/6/2018
I really loved what you did with both the pairing and the meet cute scenario. It was adorable and so well written.

I like that you chose for Percy to be a telepath. Given his eagerness to know everything in canon, it definitely fits. Making Oliver a healer was an interesting choice, and I'm curious as to why you chose that.

I adored how simple the plot was. Most superhero fics focus on the action, and this was different. No one ever really stops to look deep into the minds of superheroes and their personal lives, but you did. I really liked that the focus was on Percy’s emotional conflict rather than a super villain conflict. That made this an original piece overall.

The sweetness of Percy’s relationship with Oliver was written nicely. You managed to keep it light and gentle and make it feel like two old lovers trying to piece things back together. Oliver's offer to be his sidekick in the end was adorable, and since the fic focused so much on how lonely Percy felt, it really helped this end on such a hopeful note.

Wonderful job!
NeonDomino chapter 5 . 2/7/2018
OMG this is just beautiful. I like the thoughts Oliver was having and Percy just pulling away and making himself be alone though... I like that Oliver worked it out and was able to help Percy with the headaches.

It seems like a fitting power for Percy - who works with people high-up and therefore can learn more than he's supposed to and oddly fitting for Oliver - it's nice that you didn't give him a power fitting the one thing people know he's good at - flying. I like that you've found something else for him to show that he's more than someone who can fly.

Your characterisation is perfect and this story was amazing! :)
Someone aka Me chapter 1 . 2/4/2018
omg cute fluffy babies. I love that this is just utterly the perfect storm for percy - late, recently out of bed, distracted by hotness, and trying to communicate. And Oliver called his mum; that is absolutely adorable. Percy making the first move always makes me so incredibly happy. this is just plain adorable.
Someone aka Me chapter 2 . 2/4/2018
all of these puns are great and amazing and I love them. PERCY SO SMOOTH I'M SO IMPRESSED. I love seeing busy percy balancing Fudge and responsibilities. And I adore the fact that he BREAKS HIS ROUTINE for OLIVER. Percy I'm so proud. And I love the subtle change from the bran muffin to the scone. That's so fucking symbolic. This is marvelous.
Someone aka Me chapter 3 . 2/4/2018
I love this. I adore Oliver's thoughts — I love that he's convinced percy's the chosen one and this is the only logical solution. And I love that he thinks this DESPITE clearly having D&D experience.
my fav is percy asking for oliver in particular bc he doesn't want to admit to Katie what he needs.

cute af.