Reviews for Girls und Panzer: Union
TheLastBattalion chapter 14 . 9/9/2019
I think an excellent name for the Luchs would be Woodpecker. The Luchs could mount a 30mm autocannon that was originally used in some German aircraft. The name is then a reference to its fire rate, speed, and the gun's origins. I think the Panther's name could be Amalgamation. Due to the combined parts of the G and the F being used to make a non-blueprint design.
TheShadowAuthor21 chapter 14 . 9/3/2019
This friendship is slowly turning into a romance.

Anyway, if you're still looking for names, I've got one for the Panther and the Luch and a concept idea for the T-44-100

Panther: Bismark: Reason: It was the largest ship in the Kriegsmarine likewise, the Panther is the largest tank [I think] the Union has.

Luch: Lucky. Reason: Crew it with a Short Irish commander and have it be the luckiest tank in the next match.

T-44-100: Katyusha. Reason: Make it a cute apology to the little Russian lady. Bonus points if she and Klara make up part of the crew for it.
Guest chapter 14 . 9/2/2019
Whoa Shiho just got owned on TV I’m praying that Tom sister did write that cause would be amazing plus also Union High is facing all the major teams so there that to look forward too.

Plus looking forward for more character interaction which should be interesting.

But still keep up the good work and hope to see more soon.
The Heretic chapter 14 . 8/29/2019
also i agree with wolfpack below that she seems a little extra bitchy in your story XD
The Heretic chapter 14 . 8/29/2019
bwahahaha! taht interview was gold! and yeah seeing that they are against all powerhouses in their group, one could say that mayyyybe someone stacked the odds aginst them. ohh no who could it be?
wolfpackrwby88 chapter 14 . 8/27/2019
Shiho's a bit bitchy in the tv series, but shes better, if a bit cold, in the movie... Aren't you taking the feminazi role a bit far?
Destroyer Harekaze Kai chapter 13 . 7/9/2019
Nice going! This really reminds me of the Schmalturn Panther I in WoT, I assume there is a reference for that? It’ll be cool for Union to have that upgrade and maybe even the 8.8cm intended for the tank
Guest chapter 13 . 7/3/2019
Looks like Union High team has scored big again with finding a rare Panther model and while it will take time for them to get it up and running now we known who going to be part the Panther crew.

Now for names since Brunhi is going to have the Panther and that she likes heavy metal music like AC/DC I think either Black Ice named after one of there albums.

Thunder after Thunderstruck or she says that when she eliminates an emery tank.

189 after one of Sabaton songs The Last Stand which was named after the Stand of the Swiss Guard during the Sack of Rome in 1527 which during the sacking of Rome there 189 Swiss Guards defending the Pope and that one of her crew members is Swiss and that he/she has a relative that’s part of the Swiss guard.

Now for the Luchs seeing how fast it can go I think Autobahn after the Autobahn highway in Germany that has no speed limit.

Also depending on what type of students crew it for example if it’s crewed by say catering students they might call it Lunch cause it rhythms or after certain dish that they all like.

Or it’s crewed by students that study architecture they might name it after a famous German building like the Walhalla memorial.

But anyways keep up the great work and hope to see more soon.
Potentialboot chapter 4 . 4/16/2019
Haven't read all of it yet but what has been done is promising I hope you continue. If you would like help with tanks armor values, guns or even general information I can help if needed. Just something to note though the Comets and Sherman fireflies guns weren't all that accurate especially when shooting apds rounds.
wolfpackrwby88 chapter 12 . 4/14/2019
First off, who guessed right? And second, there's a logical fallacy to your " the governing body hates union" line... Tankery is a SPORT, that the guys who make the rules are deliberately sabotaging a recognised team just because they don't like the members is more than likely (if not defiantly) grounds for one or more lawsuits (favoritism, cheating, sabotage, fraud (maybe?), and several others...
Guest chapter 12 . 4/14/2019
Another great chapter and they have gained a Luchs and Panther, yeah it was the T-44 and now for names for this tank since it doesn’t have to be an animals have some suggestions.

First is Volga named after the Volga River in Russia or keeping with Russian theme Tsar meaning king.

Second seeing how it is in pieces and they have to put it back together perhaps Jigsaw which they will mutter a lot and no not the Saw character.

Third as of this review the Avengers Endgame hasn’t come out perhaps Black Widow after the Marvel character since she’s Russian.

And that’s about it hope you like any of them but still keep the work and hope to more soon.
Reichskommissariat Ostland chapter 11 . 2/19/2019
Hey wolfpackrwby88, the T-54/55 probably could not participate in Tankery because it was put into service on 1949.
wolfpackrwby88 chapter 1 . 2/18/2019
Uh... ok, i just rechecked, and it seems that there WAS a T-44 variant prototype, the T-44-100, that DID mount the D-10T gun... (there were also the SU-122-44 & the SU-101 & SU-101 SPG prototypes)

My bad...
wolfpackrwby88 chapter 11 . 2/18/2019
Sorry guys, but the russian writing translates to "100 mm gun D-10T"... and that (specific variant of the) gun was only mounted on the T-54, not the T-44...
BavarianGlory chapter 11 . 2/18/2019
Gotta correct mistakes: Here is another suggestion.
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