Reviews for Touch
primaveras chapter 6 . 7/17
I'm stopping mid-binge to say this chapter was so cute...Sasuke making paper shuriken and throwing them at Sakura? Cutest thing I'll ever I read omg. Thanks!
Btaisho chapter 23 . 6/16
Me encantó! esta preciosa la historia, los sentimientos de Sasuke me llegaron al corazón y todo se sintió completamente natural, felicidades por tu historia! espero algún día decidas hacer una continuación que incluya el periodo del viaje :)
AllePaula chapter 23 . 5/17
Thank you for such a beautiful story!
summerspringss chapter 23 . 5/17
I spent my entire day reading this and I am so glad that I stumbled upon this story!

This is so wonderfully written and my heart swells with Sasuke and Sakura being enwrapped in their love for each other. I absolutely enjoyed reading this story, thank you so much for writing.

This will be one of the stories I fondly reread in my spare time

Happy day
The Evanescent Author chapter 23 . 5/13
Just finished this masterpiece! The way you wrote it had my heart racing! I was never a SasuSaku fan, mostly because we never saw it happen, but the way you wrote this made me seriously believe that they actually have a loving relationship! I'm glad it was a slowburn cause I could actually see Sasuke's development and working through his shame and regret to get to these last amazing chapters! His vulnerability made him so pure and sweet and just a little cute! Thanks for this and I hope for a sequel soon!

PS: Hope youre safe during these times! Best of health!
IAmJustAFicReader chapter 19 . 5/9
I am literally dying from the slow burn over here that I am physically incapable of using caps to express my deep emotions.
IAmJustAFicReader chapter 18 . 5/9
This is one of the slowest fucking burns ive ever felt I feel like I’m in a freaking crockpot
IAmJustAFicReader chapter 17 . 5/9
Things are starting to get heated! Sasuke is feeling this! PHYSICAL THINGS! I’m ready for some massage therapy let’s. fucking. go.
IAmJustAFicReader chapter 16 . 5/9
*slowly breathes out all the feelings of that meeting at the gates*
IAmJustAFicReader chapter 14 . 5/9
Ugh Sasukeeeeeeee
IAmJustAFicReader chapter 13 . 5/9
I feel like this is DEFINITELY a unique take on “there’s only one bed”. I see what you’re doing.
IAmJustAFicReader chapter 12 . 5/9
IAmJustAFicReader chapter 10 . 5/9
Honestly I’m just waiting for the day an oiled massage turns into something more god freaking bless
Maria chapter 23 . 5/7
Tbh, the best sasusaku fic I've ever read.
IAmJustAFicReader chapter 8 . 5/8
Ugh, I am THRIVING with all this vulnerability in this chapter god BLESS
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