Reviews for Dauntless High School
AriIsDivergent chapter 54 . 7/22
Great chapter
AriIsDivergent chapter 44 . 7/22
ooolu chapter 54 . 7/18
AHHHHH PLEASE WRITE THE NEXT CHAPTERS QUICK! I really need this... lmao. I cbb to do school work and ur making me less bored since I don't feel like interacting with ppl. PLEASE make the uriah and marlene thing come quick! I really want him to get over tris, when he does tris and four can come out! and I wanna know what happens (with the baby I mean), I'm hoping uriah is happy about it or something, because if he isn't then I would be pretty sad for marlene. I'm so glad uriah finally woke up! BUT HE NEEDS TO GET HIS ASS TOGETHER AND GET OVER TRIS. okay thank you for reading my rant.
Shadowghostnatalya chapter 41 . 7/19
This is great! (again)
I feel a little like the character's personalities have gone a little haywire, but then this IS high school.
If there isn't any danger or threat to their lives this is probably how they behave. All in all, yeah, great characterisation.
Shadowghostnatalya chapter 28 . 7/18
This. Is. So. Cute!
Very well written. :)
Whoopdiwhoop chapter 54 . 7/13
This was one of the first divergent fan fictions I started and omg it’s still just as amazing. Keep going!
Guest chapter 54 . 7/11
Another update! Yay! I think there's gonna be some Tris and Marcus drama now that he knows Tobias has a girlfriend. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Lgirl3 chapter 54 . 7/10
OMG, your writing is so good! Thanks for finally updating! I really hope that Uriah falls in love with Marlene again!
Guest chapter 54 . 7/10
Yay! Another chapter
Divergent31 chapter 54 . 7/11
Loved this chapter!
Not So Cliche chapter 54 . 7/10
I feel bad for Uriah. He is so oblivious to everything that happened. I feel sorry for Tobias too, having to listen to Uriah trying to figure out what went wrong between him and Tris and the added trouble of Marcus. Hopefully Tris understands why he did what he did.
Percabeth824 chapter 54 . 7/10
Good chapter
sunlightstars chapter 54 . 7/10
I’m absolutely in love with this story and I can’t wait for the next chapter! Does Uriah know of his “past” feelings for Marlene or did he forget that too?
goldensnitch1 chapter 54 . 7/10
Ugh. Marcus sucks. I bet the truth is going to come out at the party!
Tris Everdeen chapter 53 . 6/16
Is that so wrong, is it so wrong that you make me strong. Sorry I just am a huge directioner. I love reading 1d fanfics. I loved the chapter and don’t worry it’s your story u can update when u want.
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