Reviews for The One-Shot Saga
Lola 931940 chapter 48 . 6/8
That chapter was amazing! It's really interesting to really see the scariness of war's affect on someone in Star Wars. And I love the moment where kaeden gets through to ahsoka briefly but ahsoka thinks that she is appearing in that day (from a long long time ago:) but it makes sense that Rex is the one to calm her down. Also PLEASE post again it's been over a month and I know that you have been working on agent of the chancellor but quarintine has us all board and rereading these helps keep me sane. Also also (Star Wars: The Last Also (ok I'll stop now)) here is an idea that you could use in later writing we've seen Miara funnily take place over her dad as controlling parent and talk to kaeden about ahsoka but it could funny be if Miara actually talked to ahsoka. They rarely talk to eachother in this AU but ahsoka and kaeden relationship is pretty serious and it would be fun to see Miara check up on them or something.
Well this went on longer than intended, so keep up the good work and POST AGAIN PLS thanks,
Lola 931940
Guest chapter 48 . 5/10
Another great one shot. Can you do one of Ezra convincing Ahsoka, Rex and Wolfe to tell him some old war stories?
the Mandalorian terminator chapter 49 . 5/8
Another great chapter. I've always wondered if Ahsoka ever had PTSD or nightmares about Order 66 and I loved Kaeden comforting Ahsoka
Triglavian chapter 47 . 5/7
and there goes most of the respect i have for your story.
I will keep them watch them, but change the fate of a caracter out of emotion isn't going to bond well
jojobinks01 chapter 49 . 5/7
i have a way for for you to redeem your self, and for a way for palp to go bye bye.
LuckySlytherin20 chapter 49 . 5/7
Can you write some Maul-Centric things? I love Ahsoka but one starts to get tired after some time...
Guest chapter 48 . 5/5
Consider yourself forgiven. If anything you should take last chapters reactions as a complement of sorts, if you weren't such a good writer then we wouldn't have taken it to heart like we did.
And by the way, this goodbye is now cannon in my head.
the Mandalorian terminator chapter 48 . 5/4
This goodbye was heartbreaking. Thank you for lifting your ban on Rex. He's one of my favourite characters. I understand your anger but technically Rex was doing everything to resist Order 66 including telling Ahsoka about Fives. That final episode! I can't believe the show is over. I grow up watching it on Cartoon Network. It was a huge part of my childhood and now to see it finished. That ending was so haunting with Vader looking at the lightsaber he gave Ahsoka. And just on Vader boy did he look amazing animated in Clone Wars art style! And that final end shot of the clone helmet was beautiful! Great chapter. May the 4th be with you
Guest chapter 47 . 5/3
Okay. I love your writing, but your not making Any effort to sympathise with the Clones. Right now you're reminding me of Ahsoka in 'Machinations of the Son', needlessly angry at someone who was not responsible for what they're being blamed for
Guest chapter 47 . 5/3
No offence or anything, but I think you might be taking this a bit Too badly. He's Killed his brothers to keep Ahsoka safe. And in Rebels by "betray" he probably meant "went along with Order 66 without trying to resist it at all". And I really can't see Ahsoka Not ripping Kanans head out for doing this.
Guest chapter 47 . 5/1
Captain Rex told the truth from a certain point of view, (technically he didint kill ahsoka/got his chip removed) Jk, but in all seriousness in the Ashoka novel, didn’t Rex already remove his chip and helped Ashoka escape? But then again the novel was retconed by season 7 even though it was cannon, so technically you could just follow the novels plot rather than season 7’s since both are cannon
jojobinks01 chapter 47 . 5/1
Well consider me off. First you went against Anakin all due to the Sith now your against Rex and the clones. You don’t seem to understand what he went through. What any of them went through. And if that’s the case. If you wish to see the clones and anakin as nothing more than evil who can’t be redeem. Than I want no more of it. Good day sir
Guest chapter 46 . 4/26
I have an idea for a chapter... a chapter where we see the members of the old jedi Council meet with Qui-Gon Jinn in the afterlife and they discuss how they failed and how Proud they are of Ahsoka and Kanan (especially plo koon and depa billappa) and also talk about what they are doing with their lives... or a chapter where kaeden and Ahsoka gets married or they get a kid together... anyway love your short stories
Mogor chapter 46 . 3/26
Im very happy taht Galen could meet his daughter after all this time. That reunion is beutiful. But foor Anakin to be angry at Ahsoka not to return to the Temple, that he is dumb. He is stupid. Im glad that Rex is on hers side. I hope that you make a new chapter soon. This is great story.
FossilQueen1984 chapter 45 . 3/14
Once again, an amazing chapter. Sometimes, we all need a medical drama in our stories. Well done!
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