Reviews for The Many Clichés of a Flower Child
Raykeal chapter 21 . 8/26
I think I Love you lady Daisy
So cool, Wao
TomRiddlesTwin chapter 21 . 6/27
Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastic!
Helily chapter 21 . 6/2/2019
I love this story. Thank you for making me laugh today and smile. Daisy is so lovable and I adore how she is taking care of various Horcruxes. What can I say? LV is my favorite character besides Luna and Severus.

May you one day return. If not, well thank you anyway for these 21 fun chapters. Also, best of luck in whatever you’re doing now. :)
Carly Carnations chapter 21 . 1/14/2019
i love this so much
NotWeird chapter 21 . 1/5/2019
Daisy is best girl and I cannot wait for her to turn Hogwarts upside down, brick by brick
Wrabbit75 chapter 21 . 12/3/2018
Hmm... been a while since I last read this story, even longer than when it was last updated. Hope it isn't dead...
VividReader365 chapter 1 . 10/29/2018
Hey, just wanted to say that your fanfic has been great, and I'm looking forward to the future of it!
I was reading it earlier in the day and couldn't stop telling myself "one more chapter"... it was around 2 before I slept... ('-)
I eagerly look forward to the next update, have a marvellous day~
god of all chapter 21 . 6/8/2018
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
Guest chapter 21 . 6/5/2018
Okay, now I'm imagining Hannah imagining a bunch of muggles with brooms between their legs running around. Sort of like the real world muggle quiddich, I guess? (They do that, right? I know it's a thing but I forget the specifics)
Zynis chapter 20 . 5/19/2018
This so awesome! Love all the interactions between Daisy and other characters. I love the idea of Daisy calming Raddle and the other horcruxes with magic. Now I'm just wondering when and how Riddles body is going to look. Oh and more importantly how is the meeting between Luna and Daisy going to be XD
2000kate chapter 18 . 4/25/2018
I really love this story, Daisy's interactions with everyone just makes me smile!

I also really love the who possessive thing Raddle and Fuffle have going on, even though technically they are parts of the same person. Those two just crack me up.
Diary Riddle... well, he's not really likeable as a person yet but I just imagine him as an angsty teen with pent up hormones and stuff and then understand him a bit better. Hopefully he learns to just give in to Daisy, there is not fighting her.
Wolf and Leopard chapter 18 . 4/24/2018
I love everything about this. Seriously, everything. Wait, scratch that. I wish your chapters were longer and that there was more of this. Because I love it.
Lexxxloubell chapter 16 . 3/28/2018
Interesting. Very interesting. I like it so far.
Guest chapter 16 . 3/27/2018
I Just don't get why she'd cling to the raddle that was responsible for so much death and destruction. LV killed thousands, children and mother, and she's buddies with his horocrux. Its like forgiving wizarding hitler
Guest chapter 16 . 3/27/2018
I'm just imagining Daisy getting blindsided eventually with Hermione crushing on her, later on.
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