Reviews for Reconstruction
Lamarquise chapter 8 . 7/25
Oh not even. There's no way Shuri could hang with Steve, much less for any extended period of time. That's just silly. And Wanda did as well as almost anyone short of Stange could have done with that explosion. It wasn't a perfect outcome, but under the circumstances? She saved a heck of a lot more lives than were lost. She did well. It's unfair to treat her otherwise. And T'Challa and T'Chaka were big fat hypocrites supporting the Accords.
Lamarquise chapter 5 . 7/24
Umm...Steve didn't know. Not for certain. That's precisely why he didn't say anything.

So Zola hinted that the Starks were murdered. If there'd been any proof of that, Tony would have known of that long before Steve ever would have. And if there'd been any hard evidence Bucky was involved, Tony would have gotten it first too. The dilemma was that Steve didn't know. Not for certain. The file Natasha provided was from the KGB days, before HYDRA and before 1991. And Steve wasn't going to send one friend out to destroy another friend with solid, hard evidence, much less nothing more solid that a suspicion.

Tony was vicious in revenge. Steve knew that; he knew what Tony had done at Gulmira. He knew Tony would go after Bucky. Tony was too impulsive and too much a slave to his emotions. He knew Tony could put on a show and convince people he was handling the news, then slip off and Steve would never catch up to Tony in time. Steve wasn't willing to take the risk that might happen, and with very good reason. He didn't want either friend hurt or killed (much less by the other), and he didn't want to have to side with one to protect the other and he didn't want Tony killing an innocent man. It wasn't selfish or cowardly, even if he felt bad about concealing what he suspected. He was being a good friend, protecting one friend from unjust persecution and the other from his baser impulses and doing something horrible he couldn't ever take back. And he was right to fear Tony would fly off the handle and right that knowing of Steve's suspicions wouldn't change anything or serve any constructive purpose.
country-chick-20 chapter 50 . 5/19
This was so good it actually took me till 2am to finish all 50 chapters.
codedriver chapter 50 . 5/4
I have finally finished reading this great fic and want to say I am very impressed the way you wandered through the emotions and events of the MCU. I hope to read more from you in the future.
Guest chapter 49 . 4/30
I had to draw a few diagrams to sort out all the timelines here, but, wow. Just wow. This chapter really ties in canon verse perfectly with this story, and makes me look at all the plot points and hints from before with new understanding. What you did with Loki's oath and Steve's ending is pure brilliance, you really thought of everything and fixed them all for the better. Truly, this has been an amazing epic. I was hooked from start to finish. Favorite CW fixit of all time.
Guest chapter 50 . 4/18
That was absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for such an enjoyable ride :D
heartnut chapter 50 . 4/18
I think you wrapped things up spectacularly. Thank you for sharing such a great yarn with us. It’s a great trip.
karina001 chapter 50 . 4/18
Its a girl indeed. All's well that ends well, Endgame included. Thank you for a most entertaining read.
karina001 chapter 49 . 4/18
I think I have a headache... all that twisting and turning and plotting within the streams of Time. I would hate to have your nightmares... but your dreams... ah, now they could be good.
karina001 chapter 48 . 4/18
In an ending is a beginning and this... is a beginning. Thank you for a wonderful ride. Full of turns, twists, barrel rolls and murky darkness followed by brilliant light. Loved it. And Dr Strange... a little bit of knowledge there maybe to do with alternate universes?
cornholio4 chapter 50 . 4/17
Think love for an abuser would nto be the same as real one as many criticised infinity war for

So they beat thanos here
cornholio4 chapter 49 . 4/17
So dealing with the endgame timelines
cornholio4 chapter 48 . 4/17
Wonder what happens in the epilogue
ScarletWitchYESSSSSSSSS chapter 50 . 4/17
I loved it! How you rapped everything up so perfectly along with having all the time traveling make sense I will never understand but it was amazing! While this was a great ended and the kinda this story deserves I will definitely be missing the updates of the story. It was amazing and I applaud you for all your hard work and dedication. This story went out with a bang and I’m so glad I found this and read it. It’s a story I’m sure Marvel would be happy to make. But anyway great job and have a much deserved break!
Ravenclawdiadem16 chapter 50 . 4/17
Love it! Time travel has always confused me and I’m still kinda confused but I loved it regardless! So sad it’s over
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