Reviews for Hot Water
Starla Marie Locke chapter 1 . 4/8/2018
Just read this a second time and realized I never wrote a review... I'm horrible! Lol! I adore your writing sooooo much...and aggressive, naughty Mike!
robyshel chapter 1 . 3/29/2018
Don’t worry about ghosting, I’ve been waiting for you to see my DM for like almost three months LOL anyways, I loved that spread eagle thing! So different... I don’t know I just love everything you do because you’re such a great writer! Thanks for this!
Percabeth137 chapter 1 . 2/17/2018
Oh thank god you’re back you’re such a good writer I love all your stories
AliKattt chapter 1 . 2/15/2018
The God of Mileven Smut returns. And returns with another incredible, cute, and scarily well-written one-shot, another one into my favourites. I know you are writing a story, but I wonder what a one-shot in-between would be? (Please God Elevator Sex from JGMAR, but probs not). Prompt idea: Mike and El graduating Hawkins High and are missing from the ceremony? Idk it's pretty shit tbh. Can't wait for the next story! :)
Genesis.Malfoy chapter 1 . 2/15/2018
I honestly think the little one loves your stories too because every time you publish something I can't sleep until I read it. How would I get any anything done until you publish something again, it's beyond me. I said once and repeat it. Words are your miracle. Amazing as always.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/14/2018
Yay, a new story! Wonderful as always!
spicysamoln chapter 1 . 2/14/2018
you're back! I felt abandoned! jk, lol. awesome story, as always! happy Valentines day!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/14/2018
Thanks so much for this lovely Valentines Day present! Your stories leave me smiling for hours after I read them.
PacoAndThatsIt chapter 1 . 2/14/2018
Um... first guest, are you okay?
Veronica Mars chapter 1 . 2/14/2018
Yay I loved it, thanks for the V-day treat. Clueless El is me lmaoooo. Can't wait for your new story, whenever its ready. 3
brucewaynefan chapter 1 . 2/14/2018
You write sex scenes beautifully. o_o

This is absolutely amazing!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/14/2018
A really well written story as usual ! Thank you for sharing with us your time and your inspiration, I hope you’ll post a new story soon but take your time it is always worth it anyway :)
Guest chapter 1 . 2/14/2018
Okay not that it matters but i just wanna get it out. Im in an abusive relationship ive been in it for 4 years already and i dont know how to escape this hell but ive managed to get away for today and spend vday alone which is great but also kinda sad bc im all bummed out bUT THEN U FUCKING POSTED MILEVEN AND IM CRYING THIS MADE MY DAY YOURE AMAZING I LOVE YOU SO MUCH OMG I CANT WAIT FOR UR NEXT STORY! HAVE A BEAUTIFUL DAY AND ACTUALLY LIFE OKAY I LOVE YOU OMG