Reviews for Echoes of the Force
BrokenMentality chapter 2 . 5/3
I LOVED THIS. It felt so raw and so real. You have a gift for capturing their characters really well. Also, hahaha I LOVE your name XD I also thought it was cool how you referenced Anakin and Padme. Haha, the prequel scenes always seem a bit easier to swallow on paper than in film XD
JasmineRey chapter 2 . 3/6
A very interesting, engaging, powerful, emotionally-charged, and well-written chapter. I love how you explored the themes of light and dark, including the moral aspect of it and what's right and wrong. Most importantly though, I like how you explored those themes in relation to the characters, specifically Rey and Ben/Kylo Ren.

I thought it was clever how you tied in the Anakin and Padmé scene from Attack of the Clones and how you drew parallels between them and Rey and Ben.

I absolutely loved the entire interaction between Rey and Ben/Kylo Ren. I thought it was very powerful and full of strong emotions. I think part of what made it such a strong and powerful interaction is because both of them were making valid arguments. You wrote the interaction in a way that we could understand both of their perspectives and why they felt the way they did. But ultimately we see that, morally, Rey has chosen the right side, and that she is firm in her convictions and morals and has no plans to compromise them.

After reading a couple of your stories, I've noticed that I really like the way you write Rey. I think you capture strength, emotions, and perspective perfectly.

[You're on a path I will not follow."] Loved the use of this line! Recognised it straight away as a take on Padmé's words from Revenge of the Sith. I love that Rey says "will not follow" rather than "can't follow" as Padmé says. It sounds so much stronger and reinforces that she is firmly and consciously making the decision not to follow him, to stick to her morals and what she knows is right, regardless of any capability for darkness within her.

[She remembered Han's eager offer for her to join him, Leia's maternal instinct to embrace her in the aftermath of his senseless murder. Ben Solo had left a void in the wake of his journey to the dark side and Rey seamlessly filled it.] I found this quite interesting too. Rey rose as the light to balance out Ben's darkness, not just in terms of the Force, the Jedi, and the battle between the Resistance and First Order, but also within Ben's family. She filled the void in Leia and Han's lives left by Ben, bringing a bit light to their lives as a sort of daughter figure. And I suppose she sort of did a similar thing for Luke too, filling the position of a powerful student he could place hope for the future on.

Overall, a wonderful piece! I really enjoyed reading this.

Well done! Keep up the brilliant writing!
JasmineRey chapter 1 . 3/4
I really enjoyed reading this. A great way to tie Naboo in to the sequel trilogy era. I particularly like the way you write interactions between Rey and Leia. It's obvious you understand the two characters very well, and I just love the way you portray their relationship.

Well done! I'm definitely going to read the next chapter.
DaniNatureGirl391 chapter 2 . 2/14/2019
SO good. I'd love it if you made a direct sequel to this story, maybe having Rey tell Ben/Kylo, Leia, Finn, or Poe about the vision she had.
elliehodgin chapter 2 . 5/16/2018
Love this so much! Wish there was more; your writing style is so engaging and you seem to easily portray the truths of what the characters are actually like. Also the reminiscent Anidala was amazing! One of my fave reylo fics I’ve read.
pagan-seijou chapter 1 . 4/12/2018
Uh, absolutely amazing for a first fic!
WhatIsThis'Sleep'YouSpeakOf chapter 2 . 3/11/2018
Having finished your story, heres my more serious comments: SO well written! I am thoroughly impressed. So many Reylo stories embrace the complementary nature of the dark and light sides of the force, but fail to address the matter of right and wrong. Like all Reylo shippers, I want them to end up happily ever after, but have felt it's important that Rey not lose herself in darkness the way Ben has. The candles quote you gave Leia was excellent. The only letdown I had in reading your story is how any fan fiction I write will fall so far short of this.
WhatIsThis'Sleep'YouSpeakOf chapter 1 . 3/11/2018
Ahhhh! I am screaming because this is so good it hurts! The friendly interaction with Finn! The nurturing interaction with Leia! You, judgey fish caretaker, can write.
rfrcanada chapter 1 . 3/7/2018
Woah this is like, REALLY good.
Just Chill chapter 2 . 3/7/2018
Thecarchick chapter 2 . 3/3/2018
I can't believe this is your first Star Wars fic! You knocked it out of the park! Since TLJ, I have been devouring fan fiction like a hungry sarlac. This is THE BEST fic I have read! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write more! I would love for you to write something from Ben's POV. Get inside his messed up head, as you have a good understanding of these characters. I can't wait to see what other stories you come up with. (PLEASE!?)
adama-roslinlove chapter 1 . 2/14/2018
I absolutely loved this! I loved the hints of mom Leia in there. Hoping for a little bit more in the next chapter. Thanks for sharing!