Reviews for The Hell Pits
Lynn chapter 4 . 10/11/2018
Wow good up the good detail throughout the continue :).
Guest chapter 3 . 9/20/2018
Woaaaahhhh, is this going to be continued? I'm super invested in this, and based on your art around the story, I'm really interested to see where it goes! It's really well written and captures attention, and the pacing is very nice!
Sonikkuke chapter 3 . 5/9/2018
Yeeessssss knuxonic OTP! Love it!
SonicJax13 chapter 3 . 5/9/2018
Omg! I was so excited to finally see another chapter. This chapter made my heart skip beats. Am I seeing hints of knuxonic ?
SonicJax13 chapter 2 . 3/18/2018
Omg. This story is too good! Please oh please continue!

I feel so sad for Sonic and Im actually wanting to curl up in fear when he does. Lol.
Sonikkuke chapter 1 . 2/19/2018
Please continue! And your other stories as well!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/19/2018
Good start