Reviews for Jerome's Kyrptonite
ZoeWade chapter 1 . 5/22
Really sorry about what happened to you grandfather, may god have his soul. I hope that you're okay and you'll soon continue your stories.
Create-Sanctuary chapter 3 . 10/13/2019
Heya! Love the story so far, really hope you continue with it :) just wanted to let you know that i agree 100% with what you said in ch3, I've never understood how people could "love" someone they don't even really know (that's why I strictly limit my fangirling to fictional characters haha we see every side of them). Yeah that's it really - oh! If you need a beta feel free to message me, I enjoy editing hope your life is going well and everything haha bye
TheDevilsPuppetMaster chapter 2 . 5/3/2018
Love what I've read so far. Please continue when you have a chance