Reviews for The Legend of Three Leaves
vincent1875 chapter 7 . 3/26
Hmm. I'm pretty sure people can have duel affinities. Sasuke seemingly has fire and lightning without a bloodline around it.
Byakko01 chapter 8 . 1/22
Continue por favor
Stressed student chapter 8 . 1/19
Ok, I have discovered this fanfic yesterday and binge read it last night when I should have studied for my legislation exam on mondays (pls kill me), when will the suffering stop). I think this fanfic has a lot of strong points:

I like that your character is not overpowered (yet) or exaggerated in a way that would make her stand out in a too obvious way. She kinda fits the picture in the family, although a grim one (unwanted child, the only daughter, an adult in a kid's body etc). Not gonna lie, I would have loved a 'f*ck you' in the Senju face if she'd had a fire nature chakra, but that would have been way to random and wouldn't make sense, but not eeentirely impossible, hehe.

The progression is not forced. You choose to show us her role in the siblings dynamics and her reaction to the deaths of her brothers. Although, I would have expected her to have stronger reactions to that, because she did spend years with these people and no matter how much you try to detach yourself and not accept them as family, you still get attached. I don't know if you plan her to be in shock and bottle that shit up, or if she is a psychopath with only an artificial sense of empathy. But, even tho she obviously had a strong reaction to Itama, maybe her mother's death would have had a more impactful effect on her? Usually the mother-child relation is the most important one, but then again maybe it's a matter or preference on my part, so ignore that.

I also like that this is a reincarnation and not a 'poof' she appeared în the warring states period. It gives the character a lil more depth from the perspective of the main one. It creates bonds and it makes readers invest in that emotionally.

That being said, I have some problems with the fic as well.

The rythm is getting to me. It's going slow. I mean the story. At some point it gets tiring to read her thinking as an adult and acting as one and then be reminded by one of the characters or by her that she is in fact still a kid. We have the base of the character, we have background, the family, her goal, her upbringing. Yes, they are layouts, but they work just fine. I keep waiting for a skip in time or something. You don't have to lay out for us the story we already know about the Senju unless, of course, it's an iconic moment or something that is also important for your character (like Itama's death, yes).

The problem is establishing the character's role in the whole picture of the story, not only her buble world with the Senju and Touka, Mariko etc. What is this character bringing to the table in the story that we kinda know already? How will she affect things? Will she have any involvement in the future event? Etc. For now, I feel a little trap în the childhood arch of a character that is obviously not a child and not really be having as one either, but is forced to live as one. I feel like I am forced to go through it as well, and sometimes it's not very engaging.

Then again, I do enjoy the ride so I will come back for more. I like the main character and I see potential for a good fic. I mean, I am very curious to see if the whole Uchiha vs Senju and Hashirama vs Madara (although, let's face it, they have been more frenemies than enemies all their lives, to the bitter end) will affect her in any way and how, where she stands, what's her deal :))) because as of this chapter, we still don't know what is her purpose in the story.
village-of-writers chapter 8 . 10/2/2019
Oof k sorry about my rant, I was just pissed off about how he character was portrayed, it just triggered me but maybe this just isn’t my type of book
village-of-writers chapter 8 . 10/1/2019
Tbh I absolutely hate this book, it pisses me the fuck off how she reacts to things and she cowardly with how she won’t say anything of worth. She complains about not getting what she wants and deserves yet won’t tell anybody of it, she thinks that running away solves problems and when an actual one arrives she freaks out and cry’s. Not even gonna lie I hate this character
Aetherium21 chapter 4 . 9/30/2019
Feels like the OC is a persistent puppy in the same awkward way that a young, wholly untrained Naruto normally is
dantezess chapter 7 . 8/8/2019
too bad this novel is dead I'd like to see her spit in her fathers face when she gets stronger also yea still wanna see this world burn lol
dantezess chapter 4 . 8/8/2019
ah this is the kind of story that makes be want to burn the whole of the naruto universe .
dantezess chapter 2 . 8/8/2019
she could never let her suffer the same fate so she'll instead use her daughter as political bargaining chip and force her to have kids with someone she doesn't like and probably even hates...have i got this right so far?
St.Alessia chapter 8 . 5/2/2019
I’m absolutely annoyed that you decided to stop posting here in favor of AO3, which is so much more worse, and yet I’ve been actively checking for updates over there and you’re still not posting there either! I know it takes time to figure out where you’re going with everything but the fact that you left us here with a “howdy do? Screw you” and made it seem like you were going to post more at better rate there and still haven’t... while idk if you ever check here anymore either, I feel the need to vent my frustrations. This story is really good and I wish to see it continued.
TDI-Ryro-Eclares chapter 8 . 5/2/2019
Update again soon please!
non of ur business sorry chapter 8 . 3/7/2019
When will u update?
Marie-S-Raven chapter 8 . 1/27/2019
That's sad reality right there. There's no way women wouldn't be a humongous target if they have something as rare as the wood release.
Ravenclaw Slytherin chapter 8 . 1/22/2019
I love your story! Update soon!
zemblenity chapter 9 . 1/14/2019
Great job on the story, good luck on AO3!
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