Reviews for Clever Tactic (Or Scott Gets Payback)
Guest chapter 1 . 1/10/2019

But still, kinda sad. Now Chris will not get his wonderful redemption arc like in the show.
Liantei chapter 1 . 2/24/2018
Wow, now I'm kinda wishing Scott had actually done this in the show. Would have made for an awfully interesting episode or 3.
Silver-Infinite chapter 1 . 2/22/2018
They're partially part of the reason why Scallison Ship if Chris and Victoria were dead like Elena Gilbert's parents then Allison would had a different path in life. Funny thing is only her dad was more likable despite his actor playing of these bad guys lol. He was even a witch hunter on The Secret Circle named Isaac now that could been good crossover and good way to include Chris had a twin brother instead of a psychopathic sister who was like born when he was in high school. Argents could been great but now they're almost extinct while the pack grows stronger. FYI post this review under the wrong story, but great work on that!
orionastro chapter 1 . 2/21/2018
a very good story I love it if you could a sequel to see the Argents sentenced to lengthy terms of Jail And Stiles focusing on going after every hunter that break the code