Reviews for About Time
robert32514 chapter 1 . 8/6
Does this get a sequel?
Artemis Holmes chapter 1 . 10/17/2019
I loved this concept. The story seems interesting and the way you portrayed Kirk was brilliant. He's a tactician and a strategist and I feel like a lot of 2009 stories overlook this fact in favour of his clearly troubled past. I don't blame them and I love those stories, but even if they portray him as a genius his past often gets a spotlight. I also happen to adore Wonder Woman and Chris Pines portrayal of Steve Trevor.

So ihope you find it in yourself to continue this story! I would absolutely love to read it! (Also it would be fun if we come to know of all his previous shenanigan's)
Hawki chapter 1 . 6/18/2018
-“Kirk rose from his seat…”

For this, you don’t need to start a new line, since Kirk was the one speaking before it.

-“Yes, Yes Captain. It was never your fault.”

Second “yes” shouldn’t be capitalized.

-“…in the Germans favour.”

Should be “Germans’.” (missing the apostrophe)

-Anyway, like where the plot’s going here. To be honest though, it works more as an opening chapter rather than a oneshot, in that it gives a premise, but doesn’t do anything with it. But, yeah, like the idea here.
Kiyomi-16 chapter 1 . 6/4/2018
I really need more crossovers. This ideas are so amazing and so little developed...
CSIRide-Kirk chapter 1 . 5/10/2018
What next? I like this
MalasLaBro chapter 1 . 5/6/2018
meh. Try more action to go with dialouges.