Reviews for Legend of Bardock ( Rewritten)
Hugodrax chapter 7 . 4/7
This was a good chapter dude, loved how if focused on Bardock, Raditz, and Turles. You did a good job showing Turles, had nefarious means for this chapter. That was well played. I also love how Bardock, has doubts on how and if he can save his brother. Love how you have it weigh heavily on his mind. To that same end: Poor Raditz, he feels, even though I don't know why? Possibly lack of attention, ousted by his brother Kakarot, as well as others. His fight with Vegeta, was good. I liked how you incorporated how Raditz, used his tricks to try to beat Vegeta. Loved how humans tried stepping into help Raditz, when Vegeta, was beating him down. The ending though chilled me. Turles, played on Raditz, mind and now he's using the quick track play to power to have his nephew, help him build the Tree of Might? Damn! Can't wait to read the next chapter eagerly await it my friend.
Hugodrax chapter 6 . 1/27
Great chapter my friend. Good good stuff! Loved how they all worked together to take down Zarbon, or I should at least say Turles, and the Crusher Corps. Lol. But, when Bardock was hurt and before Turles' helped him up; loved how you brought attention through Bardock, the sinister look in his brother's face of an unknown objective. Plus, is Zarbon, dead? I'm confused by that. Also, Love how you have Turles, and Bardock, have that rocky relationship and how that is also pushed on Raditz. That was a good touch. I like how there is also a genuine love between all three even though it isn't fully shown. Also, loved how you kept the arrogance of the Vegeta, family that was cool. Nice to see Nappa, and Turles, also go at it. Keeping that rivalry between the two alive. Don't know if it's cannon but I love how all of you writers have that. The conversation of the past between Bardock, and Turles, was cool too. Bardock, wanting to train to defeat Frieza, and Turles, looking for the quick rise to power and rule. Also, Bardock, dream of the future again was crazy, seeing the multiple avenues of his family as well as the King's? I can't wait to see what comes next! Awesome stuff!
Hugodrax chapter 5 . 1/12
What a great chapter here man, good stuff! Loved how Bardock and King Vegeta, went to save their children from Zarbon, and Dodoria. The tension building between the two characters is still awesome! One just trying to save his family and be a better man. While the other is not wanting to look weak and fall to what he considers low-level people. Loved the backstory on Korin, and his tower. I thought that Bardock. was going to steal them in the end when Korin, first refused but after he didn't I liked how Korin reconsidered because of the good deed that was done. Awesome that the King and Bardock, were able to save everyone too; poor Nappa, though lol. Also, made me happy that Bardock, once again got his vengeance on Dodoria. I know it's once again weird to see Bardock, use the Kaioken, just by seeing his son use it. But, it's still cool and I also love how it's unstable with Bardock as well. The ending was awesome the Crusher Corp intervene to "save" the King, Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz. Plus, with Bardock, dealing with the injuries I loved how Turles, is there with his brother in mockery? Plus, Bardock's Oh great! was perfect! Can't wait to get to the next one!
Hugodrax chapter 4 . 1/1
Another good chapter my friend. Have enjoyed this immensely! Love how the visions are driving Bardock, a little up the wall. I'm sure he's just trying to understand them, but as we've seen, like that alien said. "You'll see the horror of what you change or can't stop." Also, the tension between King Vegeta and Bardock, continues to rise. You've added much more it seems to me than your original story had so well done! The little scene of Zarbon, and Dodoria, planning the Saiyans deaths were cool, much more devious. Plus, it was very nice how now we have Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz, all missing because they didn't go with the rest of the Saiyans across the universe. Also, liked Gine's reaction to when she learned that Raditz could be killed. Very heartfelt. Also, nice addition of Turles, following the King and his brother, to the possible destination. Could be crazy here as well, but did Bardock, do the Kaioken, for a second? Finally Kudos, to you for keeping the name Hugodrax. Much thanks!
Hugodrax chapter 3 . 12/30/2019
Great chapter again man, this was awesome! Loved the way Bardock, stopped King Vegeta, from killing the humans. Even though it was short I did like the fight between Bardock and Lantain. Even liked how you had Bardock, try to honor Lantain with a good fight and show of respect. What was odd though is didn't you want Dr. Briefs to build a communication device? I do like how you had Dr. Briefs build a device to block the moon from the Saiyans, but I didn't know that was part of the plan? Did I miss something somewhere? In final peace came to be in this chapter, but I love how the tension keeps growing between Bardock, and the King. It makes me think what comes next and I can't wait for it!
Hugodrax chapter 2 . 12/28/2019
Great chapter man, this was a good one again. I liked Bardock's new vow, it was awesome for what he promised his dead team. Gohan's interaction with Bardock, was great. Once again more flushed out and composed. However, I love how both he and Bardock, have a respect and understanding...yet the hinderance of trust you left lingering there gets me thinking. Plus, the Saiyans, coming in as meteors makes a nice visual. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Hugodrax chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
Great chapter pal, I love the changes, the addition of leaving Vegeta with Frieza, is an interesting choice and a unique one at that. Also, loved how you kept the tension between the King and Bardock. Loved how Gine, got to showcase some of her strength as well. Can't wait to see how Raditz, factors in as well. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Juti chapter 7 . 11/11/2019
Raditz is far from week will he ever catch a break
Ficsion chapter 6 . 10/3/2019
Good chapter
Guest chapter 4 . 9/1/2019
I love this fic so far! I always liked the idea of what if the saiyans some if not most of them survived! I can't wait to see where this goes in the future!
Vlomor chapter 1 . 8/10/2018
firetype77 chapter 2 . 6/1/2018
This is a nice story can't wait to see if they can all adapt
UchihaMax21 chapter 2 . 5/22/2018
can you pleaaaaaaaase update it?
DBZfan chapter 2 . 3/9/2018
Great chapter, looking forward to see how you will write Kakarot/Goku hybrid character.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/9/2018
Awesome chapter. I didn’t read the original because I saw it had been rebooted so I’m really looking forward to seeing where this story will go.
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