Reviews for Splintered
notcarlsjr chapter 2 . 4/11
Love how protective she is of Allison! The family (both found and biological) dynamics are really the strength of this show, so I'm glad that you're both including it and expanding on it. Nora's primary drive seems to be protecting Allison, which could end up being a good thing or a bad thing depending on what happens. Her interaction with Derek was surprising! The tension made sense, but she was also soooo casual with him that it made me laugh a little. Like obviously she knows what he is but also who cares that he's a werewolf lol it's clear that she both aches for a time past with her father but is at a stage where she knows she'll never get it back so she holds a lot of resentment toward him. Almost like she's doing a balancing act between pretending to hate him but also wanting his approval? Interesting for sure! Thank you for writing this chapter!
notcarlsjr chapter 1 . 4/11
Your story was submitted as a part of my Read & Review so I'll be reading the first two chapters!

This was a great first chapter! There's a lot of characters with different personalities to manage and I think you did a great job with each of them. Nora is a very interesting character to throw into the Argent dynamic, especially since Gerard was the one who sent her. I think she's got a lot of layers to her that will obviously start to unfurl a bit more as the story goes on. Interested to see why her relationship with her family is the way it is - she's tightly holding the 'black sheep' card and showing it off to everyone so I'm curious to see why she thinks that. And intrigued why Kate seems to be so...amused? by her too. Like she knows something the rest doesn't. Great job! Thank you for writing this.
WriteToEscapeReality1309 chapter 6 . 3/20
Hello again! I'm back and here to tell you that I am the one who picked your story for Jan's Review Exchange and honestly I am so glad I did because otherwise I wouldn't have discovered this amazing story!

Let me start with the length of the chapters I've read so far. I actually really enjoy the length of them, they may be on the shorter side but they pack a punch let me tell ya! This chapter especially omg GODDAMN did I feel all of Nora's pain and emotion! It was heartbreaking seeing her go through it and it once again reminded me of how much of a monster Kate is (I hate her so much lol) I also enjoy the little moments between Allison and Nora and I do hope they are able to bo d more as sisters as the story progresses. Derk and Nora are for sure my new OTP lol that "flash twice" thing was hilarious (at first I was like flash? Flash WHAT?! But then she meant his eyes and lmao my thirsty mind got ahead of me there for a moment not going to lie).
Anyway, this might be my third and final review that applies to the review exchange but I'm definitely continuing with this story! Nora's such an interesting character and your portrayal of the cannon characters, Especially Derek, is very well written! Looking forward to more!
SusieSamurai chapter 11 . 3/16
Okay I love Wolf!Derek lol like him arguing with himself is one of my favourite things to read.
Like I would read just a screenplay-style fic of you writing Wolf!Derek banter I swear hahaha
It was poignant too in how it showed just how much Dereks lost. Wolves are pack animals and solitude clearly doesn’t wear well on them. It would probably explain how socially inept Derek comes off in the show too, he’s channeling his inner cat where all he wants is a friend but he can’t let people know that he actually wants to be their friend haha
It also shows why he feels such a deep betrayal that Scott seems to put Allison above both his own and Dereks personal safety. And that a lot of his anger is because he sees Scott making the same mistakes he did.
Tl;dr amazing chapter and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
YourpalMoony chapter 11 . 3/13
I really like how you started the chapter, the torment of Derek Hale. He's horny and needs to bang it out, no need to be so dramatic, Derek. Jkjk. I like that we got inside his mind yet again. This feels like the version of Derek Hale in the show, but a more fleshed-out version. You understand him and his actions more, and they look far less non-sensical. Lovely chapter, can't wait for the next!
YourpalMoony chapter 10 . 3/13
Honestly this is one of my fave chapters of yours. Every sentence is so damn strong, and you really feel the tension in that room. I swear I was sweating as I read all of that. A part of me really feels bad for Chris Argent, he seems so torn between duty and love. It's refreshing getting his perspective on things. ALSO SHUT THE FUCK UP KATE OMGGGGG, I need her to go lmfao. Great chapter, thanks for kicking me in the feels with the last few sentences, love it.
ocfairygodmother chapter 10 . 3/10
I really enjoyed how you started the chapter from Chris's perspective. It was nice to see. :) And Nora, Nora, Nora. I love how she speaks her mind which can be quite the contrast from Allison. But that can also get her into more trouble too. Gah! I love how you write Nora! :) Thanks for taking the time to write this! Kudos! Love you!
WriteToEscapeReality1309 chapter 2 . 3/3
I loved the way you opened the chapter with Derek this time, it was unexpected but you nailed his character! And that little old lady lmao I was just as angry as Derek but like the image of this old woman spitting on his feet just cracked me up for some reason? And I just couldn't get over how the thing that stood out to him the most was Nora's cinnamon scent lol boy oh boy there seems to be love in the air ;)
I really like how Chris is handled as a character, too! It was nice having them share more time together and I hope that their mutual love for Allison brings them closer together, as I really liked Chris in Teen Wolf.
WriteToEscapeReality1309 chapter 1 . 3/3
Ahhh the Teen Wolf nostalgia is washing over me lol! But seriously, it's been so long since I've watched the show much less read a fic on it, but I'm so intrigued with this story!
I love it when a story opens up like this one does, I just think it really sets the atmosphere and the way you wrote it- I could point out Nora's aesthetic so easily which is something I always enjoy!
I can already tell I'm going to enjoy Nora as a teen wolf oc very much, and I'm interested to find out more about her! Why is she the estranged older Argent sister? What's going on with her shakes, is there a supernatural tie to her condition maybe? And what about that one lover of hers she told the truth to and it didn't end well?
But also, I just found the way Scott was introduced to Nora was really cute with that "if she didn't know better, she's say he was blushing" because you just know he used his superhearing lol
Maddie Rose chapter 7 . 3/2
Things are getting heated between Nora and Derek! But uh oh, she's not doing so great. I'm glad he's taking her to the hospital, and actually getting over the fact that she's an Argent and seeing past her family name.
Maddie Rose chapter 6 . 3/2
Kate is such a bitch, I hate the way that she treats Nora and the way she taunts her. And ugh Nora just wanting to protect Allison the feels.
Maddie Rose chapter 5 . 3/2
Wow Nora was thirteen her first time? Poor baby that's so young, but I definitely get she was young and rebellious. Also ugh omg Kate just needs to back off and leave Nora alone, I can feel the tension when Nora and Kate are alone together.
Maddie Rose chapter 4 . 3/2
Yasss Nora used to play lacrosse and actually gets along with Coach Finstock! Also calling Allison out on not having revealed her birthday is such an older sibling move and I'm here for it.
ocfairygodmother chapter 9 . 2/9
Gosh! Nora and Derek. I love how you write the two of them. They interact so well off each other. Also, I love how Derek is around Nora. It makes him so much more interesting. Gah! I love Nora! Thank you for creating her. Thanks for sharing this. Love you! Kudos! :)
ocfairygodmother chapter 8 . 2/9
I really enjoyed how you write Stiles' relationship with his father. Also, you write Stiles so...Stiles-like (I'm lacking a good adjective right now, but I think you should get it. haha) The "not my boyfriend" line made me chuckle...oh Nora, just you wait. haha. I'm so proud of you for taking the time you needed and then coming back to Nora. Seriously, you've inspired me to have hope that I will come back to my fics. Thank you for taking the time to write Nora. I love her (and you) so much. Kudos! :)
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