Reviews for Bitter Sweet Rivalry
Patolemus chapter 34 . 9/16/2019
I am in love. This chapter was amazing! Like, fucking finally, that idiot realizes he has feelings! I’m so happy! This chapter was great!

Patolemus chapter 33 . 9/15/2019
Oh I wanna know what happens next! I want Krma to win, if I’m honest, but if Shuu wins... then Karma will have to join the team, and that means more time together... idk, I’m conflicted...

Amazing chapter as always, can’t wait for the next one!

Patolemus chapter 32 . 9/13/2019
Oh yes, things are starting to fall into place, it seems! Yay, soon Chisa will be out of Alex’s grasp! I’m so happy! But what about that DEEEAAAAAL!? I wanna see what happens there, it sure will be interesting! Imma little scared about what Karma thought in the end. Please, don’t be mad Gakushuu, you know you want it and that your only making yourself hard to get because you’re an idiot.

Anyways, as always I’m in love with this chapter, and I can’t wait for the next one!
Shiranai Atsune chapter 32 . 9/13/2019
Yey! A new update!
Patolemus chapter 31 . 9/12/2019
Oh yasssss! You can do it Karma, get your man! I love how Chisa’s trying to be a matchmaker, and it’s even better that it’s working! Gakushuu will fall, it’s just a matter of time I know it!

Alex reappeared! I’m exited and scared at the same time, don’t know what that man can do... hopefully everything will be alright.

*starts preparing everything for her ritual to kill Alex*

I was surprised with Karma’s real name, but it’s fitting. I love that Karma chose his new name to fuck with his family, it’s just so him it’s awesome.

As always, loved the chapter, and I’m already expecting the next one!

Patolemus chapter 30 . 9/9/2019
Hey so... something happened with the chapter, and I can’t read it. Could you look into it please?

UndecidedAnimeGirl chapter 28 . 9/7/2019
Hi I just want to say
a) I love this fic, you're a great author who managed to change my opinion on romance (I hated it, now I love it, potentially a little too much...) and could probably be a pro novelist if they wanted to
b) Please update, the cliffhanger is killing me
c) I have some ideas for the fic, I don't want to micromanage your story but I have several ideas I just wanted to throw out there, please don't feel any obligation to use them/ be annoyed by them. They are:
1) Asano makes sarcastic comment about kissing, Karma offers to text Professor Bitch/ Nagisa for . pointers. Maybe even does, so such awkward moments as Nagisa kissing Kayano and Professor . Bitch kissing people who got questions wrong come up.
2) Asano and Karma ask their friends to intimidate each other after seeing a dad in some cheesy . romantic movie (or for some other reason maybe? Just need to see Asano scrambling to find . someone willing and able to [keyword: able to] intimidate Karma, then getting scared shitless by . Nagisa)
3) At some point Karma tells Asano about Class 3-E?
4) Please, please, I beg of you, let Chisa walk up to the Five Virtuosos (Maybe even the whole A . Class, even the whole school) and (Loudly) proclaim that Asano is her Uncle Karma's boyfriend
Anyway, I know this is super long so sorry, keep writing, you're good at it. : ) -UndecidedAnimeGirl
UndecidedAnimeGirl chapter 29 . 9/5/2019
Great story, love reading it. I was wondering if you would put in at some point Asano and Karma asking their friends to intimidate the other, because they saw dads in movies glaring threateningly at their kid's date, and wanted that kind of 'normal' relationship, but knew their dads probably wouldn't do that, so ask their friends to do it. Keep writing : )
UndecidedAnimeGirl chapter 16 . 9/5/2019
In response to the bolded header, I love the way you manage the POV.
UndecidedAnimeGirl chapter 11 . 9/4/2019
Great story! Love it so much. Just please fix spelling errors. Specifically, brawth is spelled broth. Keep writing! : )
Guest chapter 29 . 8/14/2019
Really great , want the end
Patolemus chapter 29 . 6/30/2019
I... don’t know what to think. Karma’s adopted? That’s the first thing I wanna know, honestly hahahahaha. This chapter was so intense I think I need a minute to, uh, get my shit together*waits a second to think*.

Well, I’m glad Chisa’s not dead, and I really liked that Karma x Gakushuu connection, I was like ‘oh my fucking god they are the best!’. It would be nice if neither of them gets killed, or abducted, or whatever... I’m counting on that to keep my sanity while I wait for next chapter hehe.

Anyways, as always I loved the chapter, and I can’t wait for the next one!
Patolemus chapter 28 . 5/3/2019
Holly shit! What the fuck men, this was all going good, there was no reason to do that! Oh, well, I guess I needed to happened. But I still don’t like it! (cries in russian)

Loved the rest of the chapter, little sad about Karma being left out (again) but it was to be expected. Wanted a little more of that Karma x Gakushuu that was coming up before this psycho appeared threatening Chisa though, but it’ll come eventually, I know it will.

That was me trying to convince myself Chisa’s not gonna die. Just for ya’ to know.
Shiranai Atsune chapter 27 . 4/20/2019
Yey! A new update!
Guest chapter 20 . 3/19/2019
What is that, aa my eyes what happened ?
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