Reviews for Another Aria
Kayen1024 chapter 4 . 12/11/2019
What since when did Shirou gain proper command seals
Kayen1024 chapter 3 . 12/11/2019
The fact Bazett isn't already dead is interesting.
Kayen1024 chapter 2 . 12/11/2019
I am curious will Shirou actually escape without Lancer stabbing him?
Kayen1024 chapter 1 . 12/11/2019
SentinalSlice chapter 57 . 9/5/2019
I have all forms of Medusa in F/GO and Chink Medusa would have to be my favorite. Anyways, please keep up the great work!
Woggie chapter 39 . 8/10/2018
I have to say, you have failed if you wanted to portray a Shirou who isn't a blithering idiot. He has been making almost no attempt to uncover the secrets those around him are hiding from him. This is despite the fact that ignoring those secrets has directly fucked him over multiple times. Even when he does ask, he willingly allows himself to be turned aside from finding out anything by the most transparent of deflections. At this point he has been such a nincompoop that he has entered 'death by stupid' and 'darwin award' levels. I am pretty disappointed. Reducing the observational and intelectual levels of the main character in order to shoehorn plot fuckery may be common, but it frustrates those of us readers who dont have the cognitive abilities of a drunk and syphilitic tree stump. Please fix this problem at your soonest possible convenience, as otherwise your writing is excellent. I wish to be able to read your story without having to repair jewelry broken from anger at the MCs stupidity... again.
TheDangerfloof chapter 1 . 8/6/2018
Shirou isn't an idiot mate. If you mean that he loses his PTSD then sure. But he was never an idiot.
I Eat Ass Day chapter 1 . 7/22/2018
First of all, Shirou is not an idiot. Anyone who has read the VN with mediocre intelligence would know that. Just because does idiotic things doesn't make him an idiot. He does things because of his ideals. He is broken, twisted, and has absolutely no self worth. Suffering from trauma, survivor's guilt, Shirou is actually really smart. His adaptability and quick thinking on the fly and his perception is a lot higher than many people give credit for. Hell. Look at Archer. Eye of the Mind (True) B, Archer is intelligent and skilled, able to come up with effective strategies and tactics, with experience and knowledge he is able to fight opponents much stronger than he is (Cu, who is a top tier, powerful servant, and Herc, one of the strongest servants) not because he is powerful through raw strength and stats but because he has versatile abilities through the numerous noble phantasms in his reality marble AND because he has trained extremely hard and used his intelligence to come up with effective methods for fighting others, differing on the context. Shirou will oftentimes do something we consider stupid and suicidal, but he doesn't care, his ideal, his goal, his life is to save others. Himself is not included in the equation.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/16/2018
Hey Shirou is not a idiot did you check out the visual novel yet, if you did you would know why I am saying this.
Trapdere chapter 17 . 7/15/2018
Should we know who sasaku is? I'm beginning to suspect you're either really good at making her seem to have a back story, or she actually is a preexisting servant...
Trapdere chapter 12 . 7/15/2018
Hmmm. I have no idea what Fate/GO is about, but I'm really enjoying the fic. Can you briefly summarize the different mechanics that are relevant to this fic in an update or PM me?

Thx in advance :D
meririn83 chapter 33 . 7/5/2018
Didn't expect another update this fast.

I was actually wondering if Medusa changed to Gorgon until you said it in the AN.
Looks like Kojiro is screwed. I doubt he'll actually ever get a proper and no-strings-attached replacement sword for the rest of the war.

This is definitely one of the most interesting FSN fanfic I've read, and it's actually well-written too.
I'm excited to see what direction you will take the war what with 4 Servants currently teamed up.
viftech chapter 31 . 6/19/2018
reality deviant chapter 26 . 5/17/2018
I cant help but think, that if it was EMIYA! ARcher, and not Kuro, he and rin would have been in a far better situation.
RaphiTheOne chapter 23 . 5/16/2018
It's to see a not idiot Shirou. He is a bit too much passive though. It would be nice to see him take more decisions or initiative. He seemed to have accept to abandon Rin and shoot to kill Kuro a bit too easily too. I understand he distrust them after what they did but he's too kind to go right for the kill unless directly treathen. At least not without great reluctance, in my opinion.

It's also fun to see Shinji as not completely incompetent or scumbag. I also really like crazy Sakura.

It would also be nice to see more Kuro and Shirou interactions.
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