Reviews for One Bad Picture In an Unflattering Dress
shadewatcher chapter 1 . 4/30/2019
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaahahha! Yeah cause Roxanne soo wears the pants in that family even with Megamind being a former villain. XD
Guest chapter 1 . 8/16/2018
jaja eso hubiese sido super jaja
CharlieBoneFan chapter 1 . 8/15/2018
So funny and it had a cute ending.
Lamelinam chapter 1 . 4/7/2018
Very funny, straightforward and heartwarming ! 3
Infin8 chapter 1 . 3/28/2018
Lol, definitely the media!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/11/2018
Wow! This story had me rolling on the floor with laughter, starting with the summary and going on all to the way to the beautiful, fluffy ending.
I love how you made it almost a twin-story to Say It Loud, which is also one of my favorites among your fanfictions.
My single favorite line in this fic is "That! Physically impossible *also* because of that!" So funny!
When Brad-from-channel-nine makes his filthy accusation, and Megamind jerks as if he's been struck, I could just see inside his head the idea forming, that possibly Roxanne would believe the guy, that she would think Megamind was capable of doing such a thing. Probably that guy, Brad, would do it, if he were to find himself in the same situation, that's why he was so quick to suggest such a possibility.
Also, I appreciated very much the way Wayne subtly manipulates the situation to keep Roxanne out of trouble, repeating that it is so crowded, that people bump into each other accidentally, even while she's threatening Brad-from-channel-nine and insulting him.
And it's good to have a feminist story where Roxanne forcefully defends Megamind's honor, in contrast to "Say It Loud", where it is the other way around.
I'm just curious: will you ever write a story about Roxanne and Megamind really having a child? I know there are a lot of stories about that, and most of them are no good, but I'm sure you could make it good.
joanhello chapter 1 . 3/8/2018
I love the way "What a regrettable accident!" means "You broke the law but justice was served so I, in my role as hero, am not going to do anything about it." And then the way he just steamrollered them! Great story.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/8/2018
Can you do an AU where megamind decides to use the infuse gun on roxanne?
liliCartMan chapter 1 . 3/7/2018
a kiss :D :D this will not make the things easier even if Megs and Roxanne keep saying that they do not date and she is not pregnant can you see the scene? people insisting about the pregnancy, saying that Roxanne's baby is Wayne's, and then criticize her for cuckhold him with Megs

ah ah ah :"D for a moment I compared it to Say it out loud, because of the punch, the honor defended and Wayne that looked not s udeful in grabbing Megs about solving the thing, but the most interesting part is Wayne's perspicacity in guessing the two characters' feelings before they realized them :D
Guest chapter 1 . 3/6/2018
Ah, Bradley from Channel 9. How we’ve missed you...
Getting punched in the face.
Love the role reversal from Say It Out Loud, and Megamind makes an adorable protected damsel.
Plus, matchmaker Wayne is my favorite Wayne varient, although I will say you always make his varients from sweet to jerk interesting and relatable.

And finally, my favorite line:
(Poor Megs, so floored by the whole experience and his scientific explanation that he neglected to realize what he hadn’t yet denied...)
Oliver2016 chapter 1 . 3/5/2018
This was so funny and i can absolutely see that smug face and- yes! This was great!
Ardina Falconhurst chapter 1 . 3/5/2018
This was hilarious! So glad to see Roxanne punch Bradley this time, for close enough to why Megamind did in the other. Defending each other.
The way you did MetroMan this time, damn if that wasn't hilariously ridiculous! Panic mode to won't shut up to matchmaker. It was great.
This story was great, as always thanks for sharing with us and stay awesome!
Wynter Spite chapter 1 . 3/5/2018
Roxanne defending Megamind's honor is honestly everything I've ever wanted out of a story.
Elf Kid2.0 chapter 1 . 3/5/2018
This. This is excellent. This is a fricking delight. Wow.

I love the intensity of the pacing; it really feels in-the-moment. Bradley from Channel 9! I see you, and I'm glad you're getting punched in this universe as well! :D

The entire premise is amazing. I can only imagine what Megamind was making of the entire situation. Also, I love it. Drama! Lies! Blantant Speculation! Scheming!

Metro Man's on-the-fly scheming was very fun to read, right here. I like the shipping, and the bit where was all "buddy buddy" with/at them as he gave the press their line and dragged them off stage. Megamind yelling at the crowd was excellent. The intensity and raw emotions was very good to read.

This is an excellent, excellent story and I greatly enjoyed it. I'm curious about Megamind's point of view on the whole scenario, but it's almost as much fun working with the data we have and filling in the blanks. This is an excellent story, and I love it.

Thank You for writing this! :D
BookWormGirl93 chapter 1 . 3/5/2018
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