Reviews for I'm Rooting for Us
CrazyHayniac chapter 101 . 8/23
One of my favorite things about this amazing chapter is the fact that Zoey's worried about Zed knowing she's had sex when she and Ezra are married.

I love that Addison and Zoey clearly watched a bunch of movies together over the years. It helps to show the sisterly bond the two of them have.

Addison being super excited when Zed's a little slower to react is really nice to see. Zara simply being excited because everyone else is excited is adorable. Zed's reaction when he finally does come around is really sweet as is the moment of reflection on how she's not the little girl she used to be.

Everyone visiting and getting their chance to meet Zayden after he's born is really sweet and super adorable. All the little family moments are amazing. Fantastic job, as always,
Stars4life chapter 101 . 8/22
Happy 101 chapters!
QuietlyScreaming chapter 101 . 8/22
Oh this was just adorable! The father of the bride movies are some of my favorites! Love that you included references to them both!
SWChica2005 chapter 101 . 8/22
So cute!
LoveShipper chapter 101 . 8/22
Aw another little life into the world.
Bree chapter 101 . 8/22
By the way if my comment where I requested this topic sounded to pushy I am so sorry I really didn't mean it that way. I just appreciate you responding! thank you again for taking my request
Bree chapter 101 . 8/22
I don't know if we're in the same time zone but it's really early where I am but I don't care I *Loved* this chapter it was sweet adorable and very heart warming would not change a thing!
Eliza chapter 29 . 8/13
#BELIZA all the way.
Eliza chapter 4 . 8/13
Zed, did you really just use a word from Ben's song Did I Mention from the original Descendants movie.
Eliza chapter 83 . 8/13
You guys. It's Eliza, but Buck DOESN'T want to admit it.
Tiger720 chapter 100 . 7/13
BEST CHAPTER I SWEAR! You've made it love, look at the story you've written. So proud of you. Great chapter, I can tell you worked hard. Congrats.
3 3
CrazyHayniac chapter 87 . 7/13
It may be somewhat weird, but I almost wanted to put off reviewing this chapter since I'm caught up to what was newly published from when I first started reading this amazing fic and even though it's not over, I didn't want it to be *over* (as silly as that thought may be).

This feels like a perfect conversation for Zed and Addison to talk through and work through the mistakes they made in the second movie.

I love that the wolves continue to howl when Zed and Addison kiss again. It's perfect and hilarious the way it continues to happen.

The way you worked canon into what you've written to have Zevon bring Izzy's pizza is perfect. The flirting and teasing between Zed and Addison while they share their pizza is perfect. Amazing chapter,
Bree chapter 100 . 7/12
Congrats on *100 CHAPTERS* I cannot wait to see what is next. Go ahead and take your very well deserved break and when you come back we will all still be here supporting you. I hope you and your family are staying safe and staying healthy -Bree
CrazyHayniac chapter 100 . 7/11
First off, congratulations on the 100 chapters. It's an amazing milestone. Even if it takes a little while for the next chapter while you take a well deserved break, I'll be looking forward to the next update and occupy my time re-reading the first 100 over again. :)

I love the looks into Zed and Addison's lives when they were little and the talks they had with their moms. The conversation Zed shares with his mom is so incredibly adorable and sweet. Getting to see a little of the first Zara was really nice since it's impossible to see her in anything with both Zed and Addison. Addison's conversation with her mom is really heartbreaking because even at nine, Addison's expecting to have to find someone who will 'deal with' her hair. The fact that they had some of the things they were imagining about their future spouses right is adorable.

Zed remembering the conversation about Eliza calling him 'too Zed' is perfect and hilarious. I love that he gets to tell her she was wrong the night of his and Addison's engagement.

Bree teasing Addison about the wedding night is hilarious since it's something Bree teases her about in other chapters and after Zeddison returns from their honeymoon.

The conversations between the pairs of best friends are fantastic. Bree and Bonzo both telling Addison and Zed not to worry and just let it happen are great. It goes to prove how much Bree and Bonzo were meant for each other as well.

Ending on Zeddison's 10th anniversary is really nice and felt like the perfect way to close out this chapter.

I'm already planning to try and figure out the references to each other chapter. There's a few things I've already been able to pick up on, so I plan to try and figure out more. Amazing and perfect chapter,
CrazyHayniac chapter 86 . 7/11
Zed being Addison's shirtless guitarist to start the chapter is amazing. The song is absolutely perfect and really sweet.

I love the conversation they have afterwards about how easy Zed is to read and about falling in love. The way Zed and Addison tease each other is one of the things I love most about them as a couple and I love the way you've written it throughout and in this chapter specifically when they're talking about when they knew themselves that they were going to marry each other.

The references to someday and different lines of the song at the end is really nice as is the way they tease each other while referencing it. Amazing chapter,
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