Reviews for Time Flows Like Ink
Treant Balewood chapter 19 . 7/24
Thanks for Writing! It's takin' me to long to get to reading this one can't wait to see your endgame
BlueMapple chapter 19 . 7/23
The stranger is Obito, it's obvious, we all know it. In this futur, Rin gave a massive clue. She said that they took back Obito's body and destroyed it (cremation). And this is why the stranger didn't appeared here and the Uchiha clan wasn't attacked. Zetsu never had the occasion to take Obito with him. This is also why Kushina wasn't attacked at Naruto's birth. The question is : when will Minato realise all of this ? He is smart, he should begin to see the corelation between Obito's fate and Konoha's fate.
ta.shrivastava chapter 19 . 7/13
So my prediction:

Minato tries to save Obito, screwing the future again.
The Halfa Wannabe chapter 8 . 7/10
Oh, I'm freaking loving it like a McDonald's Happy Meal.
xXSilenceXx chapter 19 . 7/8
This is a really great and well written story, pease keep it up.
dai sennin kurosaki d naruto chapter 19 . 7/2
i'm sensing bad things are coming. after all they never did find out that obito never died originally & that it was he who attacked them. also the interference of akatsuki later is an issue they've yet to discover.
Paul Lenzen chapter 19 . 7/2
Great chapter I'm excited for the next one
ThelittleKing chapter 19 . 7/2
Thanks for the update! It'll be interesting seeing how big of a difference saving Obito will make. I have a feeling that the butterfly effect will be quite big and it will result in another war
soul of dark and light chapter 19 . 7/2
Nice fic, hope you update soon.
TigrezzTail chapter 19 . 7/1
Heh, he has no idea the true consequences of having Obito out of the picture. He might very well come to regret his effort to keep him alive and on Konoha's side.
El Espectador chapter 19 . 7/1
...*. *'
.*. *'
...* *.
bookworm51485 chapter 17 . 7/1
Is that Obito? No one's really been mentioning him much
Uday Sra chapter 19 . 7/1
Novirp13 chapter 19 . 6/30
It is sad. One life is equals to the other one. If Minato want Obito to live, he has to let Rin die
Mokushiyami chapter 19 . 6/30
Sounds like we're in the home stretch here, really good stuff. Can't wait to see how Minato reacts when he finds out about Obito. Very curious to see how you handle Madara's role in all of this.

Was fun rereading this story once again!
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