Reviews for Passage
Stephanie chapter 16 . 18m
I hope you will be fine.
Im your fan. It would be cute if they would have another baby. Matthew would be so delighted, Mary too. Babies always bring the joy into the lives. Victoria would be big sister.
ameliapemerson chapter 15 . 9/26
Having been in NYC and longing to go again, this is a marvelous alternative-especially historical NYC as it was in its beautiful heyday. I've always rather liked Rose and Atticus so great about that turn of events (rather than what was hinted in earlier chapters). Hobnobbing with the Rockefellers sounds about right for that time period, especially as it's based on friendship. Can't wait to read the rest. Sorry it took me so long to review-life and elearning during a pandemic really takes up a lot of time.
jlc203 chapter 15 . 9/3
It’s been a while since I have dipped into the Downton Abbey fandom. I appreciate all the detail you put into the descriptions even if it might come off as an info-dump to some. In my head, all the characters still look as they did in the early seasons of the show, and I have to do a bit of mental gymnastics to visualize them as older. Matthew and Mary are in the 40-50 age range!

I remember purposely not finishing what you had written for this story, thinking I’d prefer to wait until it was complete. I’d forgotten it’s in your Patient #9 universe! I liked that AU very much, but I’ve completely forgotten most of it haha.

I admire the historical research you’ve done. Even just this one chapter shows how much drama the residents of Downton must have gone through. I look forward to more historical tidbits ahead.
Guest frog chapter 15 . 9/3
This is one review for two chapters, and I'm sorry its late but real life is keeping me hopping; pun not intended. I love it, you made me picture life is like in 1930s NYC! Though Rose's answer to Mathew was completely satisfying for me. I am surprise you didn't let Mathew or Mary meet FDR or Elenore Roosevelt as well as the Rockefellers.
Frog1 chapter 15 . 9/2
This is one review for two chapters, and I'm sorry its late but real life is keeping me hopping; pun not intended. I love it, you made me picture life is like in 1930s NYC! Though Rose's answer to Mathew was completely satisfying for me. I am surprise you didn't let Mathew or Mary meet FDR or Elenore Roosevelt as well as the Rockefellers.
pearlydewdrop chapter 15 . 9/1
This chapter was so wonderful! What a beautiful portrayl of New York city. So stunning and positively vivid. Really love the family dynamic you've created here. You've really out done yourself :)
pearlydewdrop chapter 14 . 9/1
The Mathew and Mary fluff in this scene was just so on point. You've written their family beautifully, it's so wonderful to see Matthew with his and Mary's kids. You're doing a incredible job with this story you should be so proud.

Also, I really liked how you built the anticipation around Rose's affair and was so glad that it wasn't actually happening...definitely added another layer of intruige to the plot.
AmeriGirlTN chapter 14 . 8/31
Truly, these two chapters were the best you’ve written. I particularly love M/M’s relationship plus seeing them with George and Victoria is very nice (especially since we were cheated in canon). The historical details are fabulous and I love how well you weave them into the story. So happy that Rose isn’t having an affair with Smitty as that would have been a mess. Really looking forward to the next few chapters and seeing how you write Martha. With your amazing talent, it should be a fun read. Thanks for these two lovely chapters. I’m really enjoying your story.
7nan chapter 15 . 8/31
Adore this! I rewatched DA S1-3 and had to find a fic where Matthew is alive and well.

This just hit the spot.

Thank you for sharing this! :)
Guest chapter 14 . 8/27
Love the children and all that great research! So fun to read. Just great!
lilyrowan1 chapter 15 . 8/25
Love how you capture the magic of sightseeing in New York City, and especially the wonder of the Empire State Building. I was about Victoria and Vickie's age the one and only time I went to the top. It was so exciting and, yes, magical. I can remember my father holding me just like Matthew holding Victoria, moving around to take in all views. I never saw FAO Schwarz as a child, but did see it as an adult and can just imagine what it meant to the children. And what a way to end their time in NYC but with "Anything Goes" with Ethel Merman and meeting the Rockefellers. Can't wait for the next chapter, whenever you are able, to find out just what is up with Martha!
PunkyRH chapter 14 . 8/25
Ahhhhhh! You have no idea how happy I was when I saw you posted! This is one of my all time favorite stories and I'm so looking forward to what happens next! I loved the little bit of May/Matthew fluff you added in, as well as Matthew's conversation with Rose.
PunkyRH chapter 15 . 8/25
Squeee! I loved the descriptions in this chapter! I could see everything so clearly! It's awesome that Rose and Atticus are friends with the Rockefellers. I'm looking forward to seeing what surprises are next!
lilyrowan1 chapter 14 . 8/24
I'm so relieved to hear Rose's explanation. I felt sure she wouldn't betray Atticus, but I'm very glad to have the situation clarified. And Matthew is right: it would be very easy for her friendship to become something more. And it's only fair to poor Smitty that he know that there will never be a hope for a relationship, although he is such a good person, I don't think that he himself would betray his friendship with Atticus. I'm glad that Rose was able to respond the way she did to Matthew's questioning-better to talk about it with him so that he and Mary understand.
As always, your New York scenes take me right there! I know exactly where they were in Central Park and could picture the English cousins seeing it all for the first time.
Looking forward to the next chapter and seeing what else they experience in New York-and what plays out with Rose, Smitty, and Atticus!
PunkyRH chapter 13 . 8/24
I finally caught up! Yay! This story makes me so happy! I love your writing so much and you write Mary and Matthew excellently. I am very interested to see the nature of Atticus and Rose's relationship and the historical facts were awesome! I await eagerly for the next part.
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