Reviews for Tomorrow
captainbean chapter 1 . 3/19/2018
OHHH. Wyatt! Gut-wrenching. He just wants to take care of her, and she's a disaster zone. Beautifully bittersweet!
Dardanelle chapter 1 . 3/13/2018
As much as I like Jiya, really, she had to interrupt them at that very moment?
The way Wyatt reacts and his thoughts feels true to his character. Love how you use the spaghetti here - that must be the weirdest comment I've made in a while... :) I could picture Wyatt making the spaghetti, distracted with following Christopher and Lucy. He wolfing down his food and rushing off with the pretext of needing to lie down shows what state of mind he is in. Yes, absolutely the least Jiya could do to cut Christopher off! Needless to say I love Wyatt's words about excuses.
TheVelvetDusk chapter 1 . 3/13/2018
I'm about to bust my keyboard with excitement because I LOVED THISSSS. I honestly deserve a medal for not giving in last night & reading this when I really really really wanted to, because like you, I was determined not to read any post-ep fics until mine was done haha. It was worth the wait!

I am such a mess over all the scenarios that come with this bunker setting (the writers are basically setting up an FF dream for us, are they not?), and Wyatt distractedly making spaghetti while worrying about Lucy definitely fits the bill in amazing mental images :) There were so many perfect pieces of dialogue, but my fave line probably goes to the end when Wyatt is thinking that he has a tiny shred of willpower when it comes to resisting her, but not when she's crying in his bed. *BIG HAPPY SIGH*

I definitely noticed that he was watching her as they walked down the hall after dumb Jiya killed the vibe, and I also thought it was weird that she was so far behind him (which was clearly bugging him a bit, lol). God bless him for being so persistent though, and ughhh kill me softly with those feels when he says he stopped using Jessica as an excuse so Lucy can't use her either. YESSS. I need these two room sharing & bed sharing & hug sharing as much as humanly possible. And btw, I like that flashlight song too & think it was a cute addition :)
Di92 chapter 1 . 3/12/2018
The premiere was everything I hoped it would be (with the exception of another moment ruined). My heart breaks for Lucy. The new season has just started and Emma is already in my "kill list". I am totally mind blown by the fact that Emma and Lucy are related... first mine of many just exploded and I am eager for the next episode to air already!

Anyway, I love your alternate ending to this episode. We all want the possibilities between Wyatt and Lucy to finally happen and the slow burn has us on edge. If only they could have a moment alone, no interruptions, and just lay it all out. Please write more!
angellwings chapter 1 . 3/12/2018
Omg I love Wyatt just wanting to be Lucy’s rock and I love her wanting to hold onto him as everything else falls apart and this fic so wonderfully illustrates that! Beautiful!
irislim chapter 1 . 3/12/2018
It's so wonderful to get the show back, isn't it? I love how you interpret their new situation! Can't wait for more Timeless fic from you!
witandwaldorf chapter 1 . 3/12/2018
Yay so glad you wrote a post-premiere fic! I love this follow-up and hope they keep making progress on the show too. I love your writing as always, you do such a good job of keeping them in character. This all read exactly like Wyatt would think so amazing work!
Gracielinn chapter 1 . 3/12/2018
Aww, this was so angsty and sweet at the same time. Glad you found the time to write this little gem. I agree with you that after Lucy was all set to make her move (girlfriend needed some comfort from her man), she then seemed to get freaked out when Jiya kiss-blocked them (DANG IT) and acted a little off afterwards. Excellent Wyatt characterization-can totally see him reacting this way, wanting so badly to be there for Lucy, yet unsure about coming on too strong. Loved that Lucy was brave enough to make the first move at the end, and also agree with querty about the not using Jessica as an excuse line being perfect-well done.

Also a Pitch Perfect fan, and yes, I did see the third one in the theaters, and Matt was adorable in it!
qwertygal chapter 1 . 3/12/2018
What a beautiful addition to the episode! Your writing skills continue to amaze me, even when "writing really quickly"! I love the way you write Wyatt's voice-sorting through how he feels, and his hopes with Lucy...and how he takes action, moving forward with the conversation, knowing they need to talk about things. And of course loved lucy coming to him at the end-basically meeting each other in the middle.

This line:
"For all their ability to bend the fabric of space-time to their whims, his colleagues have terrible timing."

And this line:
"I'm not using her as an excuse anymore. You can't either"

Were perfect.
lumirules chapter 1 . 3/12/2018
Love it. It's what I wish they'd had time to do in the season 2 premier, but maybe we'll get it down the line.
jellybelly89 chapter 1 . 3/12/2018
this is so lovely. thank you for writing. can't wait to see what you have next!