Reviews for Of Dreams and Other Lives
SleepinBeautyK chapter 1 . 3/30/2018
That was the most beautiful one shot I just read like immediate favorite for that story. I liked FMA a lot more than the brother hood but it was more so to do with the animation because in my opinion fmab doesn’t have a good enough animation for the story. FMA in my opinion is very dark with few things in it that are light (in which the first anime shows whereas brotherhood shows more the lights and few darks.) but I hated the movie for FMA that ended the series to be honest it shouldn’t have ended like that it should have had the them stay with Winry or her go with them (wishful thinking I know.)
kangaroo-026 chapter 1 . 3/30/2018
While FMA was good in its own way, I'll just never accept the way it ended. I don't think I can live knowing that my two best friends are alive, but I'll never see them again. This is why I felt so sad when I read 03 Winry's POV. It may be short, but the way you wrote it still made me sympathize with her. That's amazing! Keep up the good work :D
Yuki Suou chapter 1 . 3/13/2018
I'm crying. And that's one of the reason I didn't like that version of FMA. FMAB for the win.
korixkuma chapter 1 . 3/13/2018
Wow, that was beautiful. I love your idea and thank you for writing this. I hope you'll write more!
kaoruca chapter 1 . 3/12/2018
Loved the last sentence. I'm sure she won't after that insight of her other self living without them.
Even the ILY parts couldn't manage to lift my spirits. Thanks for sharing
Sherry Jackson chapter 1 . 3/12/2018
That was one amazing fanfic...the emotional ride through out the story made me feel good and sad at the same time...i dont even know how you managed to do that to me!
Well, Thank YOU for writing this piece...and keep writing...