Reviews for Dusk to Starlight
Cloti22 chapter 1 . 1/22/2009
fantastic from start to finish.

loved the rewrite.
FrodoSilverlune chapter 2 . 8/21/2008
oh how sad! i love it. as for the two versions, personally I like the rewrite better. anyways, great job!
MsRainey chapter 1 . 8/5/2008
Ohmigosh! So sad and hauntingly beautiful. I actually cried! Excellent job! I loved it, and I don't usually read tragedies! Wonderful job, really.
lockheart-full-of-strife chapter 2 . 12/8/2007
Aww :( I'm going to cry...It's so sad...she never knew..he never told her... she didn't find out until he died...:(
misanthropic angel chapter 2 . 12/5/2007
Whilst I agree with you that the original is a little overboard with the angst (yet still well written), the rewrite is beautiful. It had me in tears from start to finish. You are a phenomenal writer. I don't know what else to say. Keep it up!
luneress chapter 2 . 11/25/2007
wow. this was amazing. to tragic but so beautiful. i luved both versions. ur writing is very good
DemetriaMatsuyama chapter 1 . 9/18/2007
As I read this, it made a lump in my throat start to rise. I love this fic! It's so sad and deep, it makes me wonder if Cloud really is that way.

Midas chapter 1 . 12/26/2003
Holy shit! Youre a freaking genious! I can see from all your stories that you like to kill Cloud or drive him crazy, but hey, youre the author and you do whatever you want to do with the characters. Keep it up!
Lightning Angel chapter 1 . 12/22/2003
*breaks out in tears* that was so sad- i loved it! i hope you write more because this was really good! -
PA-Peach-Dude chapter 1 . 12/21/2003
So tragic! A true tragic irony! Cloud is dead, but he never lived...
kris chapter 1 . 6/26/2003
i just want to tell you that i really admire your work. generally i don't like much fanfiction, but after stumbling upon one of your fanfics, i found myself strangely impressed and i was drawn to come back for more and more, until i read everything. the imagery and the descriptive writing is amazing for one thing, and for another, you seem to capture cloud perfectly no matter what situation you put him in. he may be love tifa for one story, aeris for another, he may be filled with hate for seph, for jenova, for vincent even, but everything that comes out of his mouth sounds like something he would say in that situation. it's truly amazing. i've never read fanfics that captured him so perfectly, so that you could do anything you like with him and still make it seem like cloud. i'm actually extremely jealous. ;)

you have amazing talent for writing and a deep understanding for the characters, especially cloud, my favorite character ever. don't ever stop writing.
Shaoli chapter 1 . 4/30/2003

Fits well if Tifa never loved him, but i thought it was pretty clear she did.

Nicely done, though. Was good reading.
Rosie chapter 1 . 4/7/2003
Aw heartbreaking! Poor Tifa, but you hit the nail there, Cloud didn't really show his emoitons much
Collarander the Unicorn chapter 1 . 3/31/2003 sad...poor Tifa...and Cloud..

Thats a really good ficfic. Keep writing stuff like this, you're great at it.
SolarCloud chapter 1 . 3/29/2003
To be honest, I usually never voluntarily read CloTi(I'm a yaoi fanatic -_-;;) but really, this was very well-written. The motive was quite clear, and grammatically it was very nice...Generally I loathe CloTi, and I still found this quite a worthwhile read in a fandom where I can't help but grow increasingly bitter at the lack of true greatness(although I'm not good myself...I can admit it). So I liked the way you wrote the(sort of) pairing. Thank you very much!
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