Reviews for Whatever it Takes
medchemgirl chapter 1 . 11/4/2019
This is really good and I'm not sure how I missed it previously. It hit the spot after the awfulness of s4.
rko96 chapter 11 . 9/28/2018
I love your fun without angst.
Guest chapter 11 . 9/1/2018
Hello! I just wanted to tell you that you are a fabulous writer and I love everything you write but its been a while since you posted something. I hope to see something new from you soon. Take Care ;)
JoeCool701 chapter 11 . 5/19/2018
so perfect!
AnilCadz91 chapter 11 . 5/18/2018
Ohh this was so perfect :')! I love this ending :') even if I'm sad to not have more chapters of this fic on Fridays :')! I love that they are finally together :D! And that Keith approves :D! And their first date XD! Also how Veronica is really keeping her promise that she would be more careful :)! I love to see Wallace and Mac :D! It's so great that they'll finally be part of the gang :)! And I also like seeing Dick be a good person :)! How he can be a fun loving guy, but he also knows what's right :). And I find it interesting that Lilly knew about Logan's and Veronica's feelings for each other. I can see her trying to do that to protect them. She was a kid then, she was just doing her best. And while it's always best to be bit stronger and truer to yourself :), things work out right for them anyway :)!
Great and lovely fic :'). I'm going to miss this Kayte76 :)!
cattyk8 chapter 11 . 5/18/2018
Sweet way to end things, although I wonder how the Lilly Kane murder gets solved, given these changes. Still, fluffy fun is never a bad thing!
FatPatricia515 chapter 11 . 5/18/2018
Awww so cute
Guest chapter 10 . 5/15/2018
Aaawww. Let the romance begin.
Guest chapter 10 . 5/11/2018
Too sweet!
AnilCadz91 chapter 10 . 5/11/2018
YES :D! They KISSED :D! I was so waiting for this moment :D! It was so great :D! they have resisting their feelings far too long :3 and now I look forward to see if they'll try to be more than friends :D!
I also love how happy it made them all to know that the guy that caused Veronica's accident is going to jail :)! And how Keith KNOWS that Logan and Veronica have feelings for each other since it's SO obvious XD! I also laughed at how he realized that having cameras in MI could mean he would watch them making out XD! I was just thinking that XD, they better not make out while in there or it's going to get awkward XD.
Great chapter Kayte76 :D! The kiss was perfect :D! I'm so happy it finally happened :D! I can't wait for next Friday :D!
FatPatricia515 chapter 10 . 5/11/2018
*gasp* thats not fair. You cant leave it there! evil evil woman
JoeCool701 chapter 10 . 5/11/2018
OH my I like this chapter!
cattyk8 chapter 10 . 5/10/2018
Ahhh! Was wondering when that was gonna happen? Also, amused Keith is fun!
cheshire15 chapter 10 . 5/10/2018
Awww. Love it!
AnilCadz91 chapter 9 . 5/6/2018
Ohhh this chapter :D! These two are killing me XD! I thought for a moment that Logan was going to kiss her XD! But he didn't! And they are so obvious, but not to each other XD! How long till they finally confess XD?! They are both so afraid of what's going to change :S, but Veronica was pushing him away and Logan was letting her. And it's just so clear that they have feelings for each other. The apology was so perfect and it shows how much Veronica cares for him.
And the other great moment from the chapter is that they finally have the guy who hurt Veronica :0! I just hope they get him in prison so that the case is over :S.
Great chapter Kayte76 XD! I have been a bit busy but i took a break today :D and I had to read this chapter :3! I hope next Friday I'll have more time :S! So till then :D!
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