Reviews for Watching Star Wars
Guest chapter 17 . 7/24
I think the clone wars movie is on Disney plus
Also if you have old Luke, could you also include young Luke sometime soon, I want to see what he will think about his future self
Also Vader hasn’t talked for a while
Guest chapter 2 . 7/20
please do all the movies all the way to the rise of skywalker please finishes all the movies
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20
please update soon
Kaia chapter 17 . 7/15
Love the commentary from Kylo, Hux, Poe, and Phasma! Keep up the great work!
jengle2003 chapter 17 . 7/10
oh i can't wait till it gets to killing not just men but the women and children too
kristinalprime23 chapter 17 . 7/10
*ROAR* ah shut up boyoh and go have a cookie.
Shiranai Atsune chapter 17 . 7/9
Yey! A new update!

Yeah there's a Clone Wars movie.
IDidn'tSignUp4This chapter 17 . 7/8
I can tell you that the Clone Wars movie is definitely on Disney, but I have no idea if there's a script anywhere.
I l9ved the little inheritance dispute at the beginning
the mysterious Mr.E chapter 17 . 7/8
Can't wait to see how they react to the secret love life of Anakin and Padme.
perseusriddle chapter 1 . 7/8
It’s on Disney
Guest chapter 17 . 7/7
It was on netflix a few months ago
Glitter1000 chapter 17 . 7/7
You can find the script for the clone wars movie on . Also I love your fanfic it’s hilarious.
Kurama38 chapter 17 . 7/7
Yea there is a Clone Wars movie. It introduces us to Ahsoka for the first time and it can be found on Disney plus. Also loved the chapter and I am looking forward to the next one.
rObErTpAtTiNsOnIsHoT1989 chapter 17 . 7/7
more please
Monster King chapter 17 . 7/7
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