Reviews for Diamond in the Rough
SockMage chapter 21 . 7/1
You set up Gilbert’s representation very well. I had suspicions before you outright said it and the reveal was surprisingly heartbreaking when it finally happened. This last chapter I read really shows the way Gilbert’s perspective has changed from the start of the war and Ludwig’s remaining the same. I immediately thought of the first they came for poem and then you put it at the end. It’s sad but humans are very bad at caring for issues that don’t affect them. I like that in a way the shift in thinking Gilbert went through connects him more with the “undesirables’ who also weren't affected until they were
Guest chapter 1 . 5/28
Amazing! Your writing is incredibly talented, and I cant wait to see more from you. You're appreciation for history and its subjects warms my nerdy heart!
A chapter 34 . 5/26
This shit is so fucking good a drank it up like a delicious bowl of borscht
What an actual Diamond in the Rough of Fics out there
Chi.nnii chapter 34 . 4/30
I've been putting this off to read because of the length. When I read this today though? I REGRETED it. This is so good! My favorite characters - the Baltics - are so well-developed. The way you didn't make them trembling people all through out the story, how their trust in each other grew, and just, this whole fic is not even a fic to me anymore! It's a full-blown movie written by the greatest writers.

Whilst reading, I felt emotions. That might sound emo, but that's because when I read a story, I don't get emotionally invested, and thus not feeling anything. This is one of the few fics that I genuinely felt like I was is the situation.
Sky-Hetalia-Trash chapter 34 . 3/10
Wow! I've been following this story for years- since the original draft, and then to this- and it hasn't let me down once. Even though I've mostly left FFNet, this is one thing I always come back for. Thank you for building this universe, a constant for all this time, and I'll see you in the next one!
Dragonfire78 chapter 34 . 11/21/2019
This story was just as great and heart wrenching as I remember it! I’m so glad I could read it again! Thank you for sharing it once again!
Determined Dancer chapter 19 . 11/20/2019
This is like my third time reading this and honestly I’m still in love with it. This chapter just makes me so happy
Cocoa chapter 34 . 11/14/2019
It's been so long since I've read this and I'm glad to have come back to finish it up (despite being very late). I can't wait to see where you take this and your writing. Best of luck to you on your plans, chesna!
Dragonfire78 chapter 1 . 11/14/2019
I read this story such a long time ago (4ish years?), and had went to read it again one time and seen it was gone, much to my great sadness. Then the other day my friend was like: “do you remember the title of that one Hetalia story we read forever ago? The one about the Baltics living under Russia, and then Prussia comes in...” (won’t go into the full detail of how we described it, just in case someone who hasn’t read the story sees this comment). I was ecstatic that she reminded me of it, and I was all “YES I DO! I should have it saved!” After scrolling through my Hetalia fanfic file, I couldn’t find it and remembered sadly that it was taken down. So we searched the internet looking for any sign of it on another site, but no matter what we tried, we again couldn’t find it... Until I got a text from the friend saying: “I FOUND THE STORY!” and a huge excited write up about your endeavours that lead to your decision of revamping this story. Now I’m just beyond thrilled to have a chance to revisit this story and read it again! THANK YOU for bringing this story back! I look forward to seeing the things that may have changed and the things that have stayed the same through this story!
MohnblumenKind chapter 34 . 9/5/2019
That Russia can't be reasoned with is a good point. And Russia reacting completely different than the Baltics thought is completely fitting for their dynamic. They know him and yet they don't at the same time. I think Russia himself sometimes doesn't know all the time why/how he reacts in a certain way (you described how he nearly went insane due to the Reds, so he is probably still finding himself and his priorities).

Anyway, this last chapter was awesome. And you are an evil person! What a way to end your epic story!
Anyway, don't listen to my shocked and grieving self. You are a wonderful person for sharing your story with us. I think a ton of people would agree with me: You made our day more than once, moved us to tears or elicited laughter, left us puzzled with hints and mystery and let us submerge into your world. Thank you for this!
MohnblumenKind chapter 33 . 9/4/2019
"The only reason anyone voted Prussia out of the Treatment Code was because they thought he would die anyway. But now that he's alive, he's a tool for the МГБ to use against the West." THIS. This is so true. America or the others probably don't care about Gilbert's wellbeing. At least not so shortly after the war. But they know Ludwig does and in '52 he is an ally that tries hard for redemption and is in fact, a strategic tool in the fight against the UdSSR. Ludwig tried to do the right thing with rejecting the Stalin Note, but that was just a gamble - he had not been confronted with his beloved brother suffering (like the МГБ plans to do now). The risk that Germany would do everything for his brother is too great not to be considered a danger for the West.
So Lithuania knows exactly what's going on. Maybe he knows Ludwigs conflict (caring for someone and doing the right thing) or he knows because he has been a superpower?

Now some random stuff I liked:
"He probably has a phone line straight to the kid's desk." Yep, definitely.
And OMG, you are calling Prussia "the White Knight" and I absolutely love it!

Anyway, in this chapter I can relate to Ed so much. Often, he is over thinking, but here I have the feeling that he is doing the "right" amount of thinking and feeling (meaning a reliable amount of both as far as I myself am concerned. It's purely self-centered, but that's how readers are, isn't it?). I like that he considers what he would like to do but realises "none of these were options." I get a good idea of his thought-process here. And this idea is just awesome: "We tell him the truth." This is the single most useful idea Ed (or anyone) ever had in the whole universe. I think a lot of problems would be solved in general and for the Baltics in particular. These boys need to talk to each other more (I know, they'll start now).
And now to the "right" amount of thinking and feeling: This paragraph was very touching for me: "Eduard could feel it crushing his chest and it infuriated him because he wanted to shatter that hurt into a million pieces but he didn't know how." This is sooo good. I can completely rely to this. And this, too: "We love you so much that it hurts." I'm not going into detail here, but this was wonderful.

And I almost cried because of the last paragraphs. I shouldn't read your fics in public transportation, I guess. Toris made me really emotional. You could feel all the emotions. Great work here!
MohnblumenKind chapter 32 . 9/4/2019
I'm so excited that you finished your story! Congratulations! One can practically feel the happiness radiating off of you :)
So now I have to read the last chapters...

Oh Ed, you really don't trust Gil or Prussians, or anyone really, don't you? But at least ONE person is keeping their mind working and questions the others. I think in a world of nations one needs to be slightly paranoid.

I like that you describe the problem of continuity of the countries here. Russia is still Russia before, during, and after the Soviet Union and its crimes. Therefore, the personification is still the same (so far that seems obvious). Of course, that would not just trouble the personification itself, but also its people!
For now I have only ever thought what the personification might feel or how the nations feel when meeting (like Poland having an important meeting with Germany, Austria and Russia. That must be traumatizing, even if they would just try to talk about something like boring agriculture or else). But you open a new perspective to me: The people themselves would know that this is the same person, thus they would react in a certain way (like here hating Russia). Same would work with Germany, I guess.
The problem with loving your country (and the personification of it) after you know about the crimes it committed with its own hands, is an interesting aspect. I recently have talked to people having exactly this problem: due to past (Soviet) crimes (committed by their own people in their own land, not by ethnic Russians) they can't identify properly with their nation in modern days. So thank you for pointing in the same direction. So far I wasn't able to connect these ideas properly.

And go Russia!
Shadowdemon157 chapter 34 . 9/3/2019
This story has brought so many emotions to me. I can’t tell you how much I looked forward to your updates. I hope to read more of your amazing stories.
lithuanias chapter 34 . 8/29/2019
Most fanfics are okay, a few are good, some are great. A very select few go beyond great and are as good as actual published fiction with their use of literary devices such as character arcs, foreshadowing, symbolism, and themes. I can count the number of fics like this on one hand.

Diamond in the Rough is one of those fics. It is my thought that this fic goes beyond ordinary fic in more ways than one. The characters are fleshed out and are lifelike and go through realistic arcs. Despite its dark time period and mood, it also glimmers with themes such as trust, forgiveness, and courage. This fic is impeccably researched for the time period; I can’t imagine the hours it must have taken you to read and write all of those authors notes for historical accuracy. I also appreciate the care you approached sensitive historical events and topics. If there is one person in fandom, I would entrust with highly sensitive historical topics, it would be you. Ive said this before but this fic is on many levels on par with published fiction.

Finally, I know you’ve been working on this fic for years and it shows. Thank you for sharing this story with us. I know you’re going to be very busy but I’d love to read more of your stories

Speaking of your stories I should probably get through OZO...
MoonLita26 chapter 34 . 8/30/2019
Thank you.
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