Reviews for One More Chance
iStyx chapter 27 . 8/4
In all 27 chapters there is no "kiss" word. That should tell you all about this so-called "romance".
Guest chapter 27 . 4/18
Yay more chapters! Keep it up!
Hecseferblade chapter 27 . 4/4
I love the differentiating dynamics with both sets of jaune’s and weisses. I especially love Bianca’s thirsty tendencies. I hope young Weiss helps Bianca set up a spicy night for her and Arthur
GunBlade2020 chapter 27 . 4/4
Hi there

so Amber now in the mix as well...

Anyway, keep up the great writing and stay safe!
merendinoemiliano chapter 26 . 4/4
By the way next week is my birthday and I consider this your gift.
merendinoemiliano chapter 27 . 4/4
Glad you came back, pretty good job and can't wait for more.
Guest chapter 18 . 4/3
Wait... how did those medallions get attached/inside those Grimm?
Guest chapter 3 . 4/3
Winter might be a bit surprised when she next sees Weiss, only to realize that there is a scar that happens to match Bianca's.

And very, very concerned.
GunBlade2020 chapter 26 . 4/3
Hi there

I wonder what change in this remnant, can't wait to see!

Keep up the great writing and stay safe!
Hecseferblade chapter 26 . 4/2
Took a while to remember this story but it’s definitely interesting. Good job on adding a butterfly effect into the story. I noticed a small tone switch in this chapter and am interested in seeing where it goes
Celestia's Paladin chapter 26 . 4/2
Pleasently surprised to see this pop up in my alerts. Glad to see this still being worked on
TheSlySage chapter 26 . 4/1
i binged this straight.

should have been asleep 4 hours ago but this was too good
TheSlySage chapter 20 . 4/1
I swear to God the Anansi is based on the Arraxi/Arraxor from Runescape.

and I freaking love it.
Misslieness chapter 25 . 12/12/2018
I'm looking forward to more. Story's definitely got me hooked! Arthur and Biancca are great, and I hope to see them kind of begin to heal mentality from all those years of stress.

As for the future, I hope the more lighthearted tone is kept intact even while the team is drawn into more fighting. On that note, some more info on the plan to stop things from going wrong would be nice.

Jaune and Weiss has an interesting chemistry, so looking forward to seeing that develop. Same goes for the team, but it still feels a bit bare bones. I think you may want to spend time to show them growing closer, hanging out etc, to give that sense of team cohesion.

Regarding Jane's semblance...Im not sure I follow, I must admit. It seems to have multiple utilities? Can you maybe elaborate a little bit on what he can do with it?
Misslieness chapter 23 . 12/11/2018
Weiss claiming him like that was adorable :)
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