Reviews for The Penalty Game
The DJ Cat chapter 3 . 6/12
Minus Wesker being a murderous psychopath determined to develop deadly viruses to turn people into zombies, you pretty much wrote down one of my big sexual fantasies. Well done LOL
Anon chapter 4 . 5/20
Please update soon before I lose my marbles!
babypleasekillme chapter 1 . 5/18
No, thank u for this amazing story! I hope you update soon! The waiting is going to kill me in a few months, lol
I really love it and I hope you don't give up on this!
babypleasekillme chapter 3 . 5/18
At this point, I just love it so, so much. Your story is great!
Guest chapter 4 . 4/29
This is so, so good! I really love this, and I wish you’d update sooner. You did a marvelous work with this amazing pairing!
Savannah-conde chapter 1 . 4/15
Love this, please update soon, I love them as a couple
AnimePickles chapter 1 . 6/2/2019
Ahhhhhh! I just found this and I’m hooked, your writing is superb, it pulls you in and doesn’t let go :)
Ratipapercheese chapter 1 . 4/7/2019
Although it's not finished yet, it's about the best fans I've seen in Wesclaire. So much I like that I would like to do some scenes of this fanfic in comic :)
My apologies for my English. I understand more reading than writing 0
I hope that soon continue to update please, we need more of this content! :) Cheer up!
Guest chapter 4 . 4/3/2019
That's it. I'm dead now. I'm too addicted to continue living a normal life. Really, congratulatuon for writing such amazing story.
Crystalyna du Starrvan chapter 4 . 4/1/2019
wow, very intense! can't wait to see the next chapter!
Around.Emily chapter 4 . 4/1/2019
It's great to see the continuation of such a good story. This chapter was quite surprising, I'm still not sure what's going on, I have some assumptions, but I can not safely assert any of them.
This chapter was written in a slightly different way from the others, I felt a difference in the style of writing, in the style of how the feelings and thoughts of the characters appear, giving more space to the setting, to the house, in shorter paragraphs, a chapter that mixes environment (rather say: scenario), with suspense and action. Besides, of course, Claire's thoughts. But I do not find them so deep here.
In fact, this chapter was a bit bitter for me. Succinctly, I was a bit sad to see Chris being portrayed the way he was, I do not deny that I hold him in high esteem and imagine him differently from the canon, but you have nothing to do with it, your story is yours and you should continue it as you wish.
Regarding the end of the chapter, as I said at the beginning, I'm still a bit confused, the story went in a completely different direction from what I think you would write. You finished with a very good cliffhanger.
We will see the outcome in the next chapter, but I believe this involves something that I deal a lot in my profession, which is a mixture of reality with fantasy and imagination, a mix we all make, especially when it involves desire.
Thank you for the continuation, I can hardly wait for the next chapter.
saralinn chapter 4 . 3/31/2019
this is great, i know what's happening and i love it! i cant wait till the next chapter!
Rose.Havenstar chapter 4 . 3/31/2019
I can not tell you how happy I was when I saw this was updated. I squealed like a little girl. Thank you so much you have made my night.
sharon davies chapter 3 . 3/29/2019
Bloody Hell!

Ok first let me tell you that was some remarkable well written scenarios in here, I could actually picture the scenes you are writing which is fantastic. Oh im so hoping Wesker breaks and litrally loses it.

you wasnt kidding when you said this chapter is where it get serious XD Its Weskers dark and dominant side and his battle for inner control along with claires' submissive, Innocent, and at the same time coming to terms that she likes all this dark and sinful things done to her that actually make this fic work so well.

I loved the setting the mood with the fire place, and the dimming of the lights, that atmosphere was perfect for Claire's first kiss. It actually made me laugh when she first pulled away because of the tongue scenario

I have to be a little bit curious as to what Wesker has down his basement hmmm

I really enjoyed this build up and i am looking forward to more.

I'll be awaiting your next chapter

Thank You
Victor Creeg chapter 3 . 2/5/2019
Most authors think sexy or erotic is all in the sex scenes, the protagonist throwing his lover down and having his way with them until syllables and sentences are concepts well beyond them. You on the other hand realized what true eroticism is, the build up of passions between two individuals, where they have nearly become animals themselves, that dichotomy of man and animal, of civilized and bestial, is where the real fun and sensuality is.

I hope you update soon, I'm looking forward to Wesker and Claire's continued dalliances.
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