Reviews for Sing me one last song
Guest chapter 1 . 6/6
I love this story
Guest chapter 15 . 8/14/2018
moreeeeeeeee pls ur writing is awesome!
LadyMDSmalls chapter 14 . 7/11/2018
I just stumbled on this story as I have decided to start reading more Avengers FanFic stories. I am intrigued by all of the Steve/Loki pairings, and after reading several stories about this pair, I have to say it works. First, let me say that this story is a very emotional read and is written so well. I feel myself sobbing as I read about the atrocities committed against Steve and then Thor. I wasn't sure if it would trigger me or not, so thank you very much for the warning.

I'm a little confused about what is going on with Loki being Thor's tormenter...or maybe not? Seems like the villain is some kind of alien with shape-shifting abilities; Maybe they can look and sound like anyone they want? The thing is, it makes me sad that Thor will forever be traumatized and scarred by someone who looked and sounded like his brother. Even if he figures out that it wasn't Loki, there will always be that voice of doubt that will stop him from fully forgiving Loki right?

Anyway, if Loki and Steve can find each other through all of the darkness, there's hope. I really hope you don't mess with that friendship/relationship too much because I love the chemistry they seem to have, and I think they will save each other. We shall see! Thanks for sharing your talent, and I hope you update soon!
Freedom to Rarity chapter 13 . 6/8/2018
crimson.blood.witch chapter 12 . 6/6/2018
I hope you updated soon
AnotherShiningStar chapter 11 . 5/19/2018
Finally read this chapter! Sorry for taking so long. But it was worth the wait. I loved it. Waiting for the next update.
crimson.blood.witch chapter 11 . 5/17/2018
I hope you updated soon
AnotherShiningStar chapter 10 . 5/6/2018
Oh my dear God! Oh my dear Norse God! This chapter was so amazing. Have I ever told you that I love the Nato Frigga Clint trio? And this new villain looks promising. You made me ship Steve and Loki there for a little while but really what in actual hell os up with Loki... the last part was scary disturbing. Urghhh I can't wait to read more.
crimson.blood.witch chapter 1 . 5/5/2018
wow I hope they get there in time and Thor figures out that it's not Loki. hope you updated soon.
Arwen347 chapter 10 . 5/4/2018
When comes the next chapterrrrrr?
Unmasked Potential chapter 1 . 4/18/2018
Hey again! Just checked out and read through this first chapter!

I really enjoyed it, as slightly odd as that is to say. I think you conveyed the shock and mistreatment of Steve very well, I could feel myself feeling for him even if I had to read through your text a few times (reading as an editor, reader and writer respectively). I think a few of your "snares" were meant to be "snarls" and overall your English was pretty spot-on, so kudos! I liked how you broke up the text with beats (dots) where Steve was trying to understand what was happening and not being able to.

A thought that also popped up in my head in its rawest form was thinking Steve couldn't be tortured because of how strong he was, and that may be something you can explore with him later-because in reality, getting tortured no matter how physically strong you are doesn't matter, like abuse and issues of that kind don't care who you are, what your socioeconomic status is, your gender, your social roles, etc. I think him having to overcome this type of self-stigma and issue would be beneficial to explore as writer to writer here, and could prove to be a teachable moment between all involved. (I'm a firm believer that fanfic's can prove to teach us something and arguably the better ones out there do).

Any who, I'm hooked! I'd like to see you explore more of the relationship between Loki and the Avengers now, and also that Thor carrying Loki scene is something I'm cooking up in one of my own fanfics, so it's neat to see that play out in your own world. : ) Okay, I've said enough! Thanks for the message earlier, by the way. Take care! xxx
crimson.blood.witch chapter 9 . 4/16/2018
I like the twist and I do hope that is not the real Loki. I hope the others make it time. I hope you updated soon
AnotherShiningStar chapter 9 . 4/15/2018
How? Just how do you manage to ignite such emotions in me? Too many feels in this one. I adore your Loki and I love Frigga anyway.
Arwen347 chapter 9 . 4/14/2018
nice story pleaseeeeee continu writing!
crimson.blood.witch chapter 8 . 4/9/2018
I am enjoying your story. this chapter was very well written. I like the details and I hope you updated soon.
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