Reviews for The Musician with Poison Tears
jh831 chapter 2 . 10/9/2019
So not cannon compliant, got ya. Maybe let people know that in the summary or somewhere in the first chapter
Link Fangirl01 chapter 11 . 9/30/2019
AAAAAAAAAHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S OVER! I really expected him to explain it all, but given that that’s what the whole story was, it’s probably better that it stops here. It’s just so good that he’s home at last...

I really really really loved this story, and I’m glad you were able to complete it.
20Ariel18 chapter 10 . 9/20/2019
Was this the last chapter? Please give us an epilogue...pretty please? *puppy eyes*
Shadowvixen89 chapter 10 . 8/15/2019
This was a beautiful chapter. You gave me happy tears.
Phantom J. Ryder chapter 10 . 8/8/2019
! Better than I was hoping! I'm a sucker for sappyness lol. I love the resolution between Miguel and his Abuelita; it's very in-character and believable. I also really like how you incorporated the skeleton appearance of the movie as being the form he takes as he finally moves on. It's a nice touch.
Link Fangirl01 chapter 10 . 8/6/2019
I’m not gonna cry I’m not gonna cry I'M NOT GONNA CRY


Phantom J. Ryder chapter 9 . 7/29/2019
I love this story! It's such a unique take on the movie, and it works really well! I love how you've developed the plot in a way that keeps the reader intrigued. You've also balanced angst and fluff very well. It's a great story. I'm always eager for more!
AMvdVeen chapter 9 . 7/2/2019
Yay, you're back!
Link Fangirl01 chapter 9 . 7/2/2019
This story is killing me. It’s still so tantalizing and no matter how good each chapter is, it’s never enough for this greedy reader.

I’ll keep waiting, though. This is too great not to.

(Elena's bullheadedness is tiresome and I just want to throw her own shoe at her, old lady or not. I was really expecting Ernesto to show up and be torn apart by Miguel, but this is more realistic...darn. I guess that’s what the movie is for.)

Little Coco is just the best.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/16/2019
Gosh how could Héctor be able to be so endearment even as a ghost? And that last part! Ughhhhhh whyyyyy? Miguel please help this poor soul he just wants to go home TT
Guest chapter 1 . 4/9/2019
Can you do a Coco Zorro au?
Pixar Lover 45 chapter 1 . 4/8/2019
Cool. I like the idea of Hector Rivera being a ghost.
I love a good ghost story.
I really hope Hector sees his family again.
Also I can't wait to see how Miguel finds out that he and Hector are actually family.
I keep on thinking (what will his reaction be).
Anyway I like the fic.
Can you do a Coco Zorro au as a birthday request for me?
My birthday is on June 1st.
Hector will Zorro
Imelda is his love interest
Ernesto would be the villian.
The fic would take place in the Mexican revolution.
Please do this as a birthday request.
It'll make my birthday great.
Elly Rose Diaz chapter 8 . 4/7/2019
Oh! This is a great story! I love it! Awesome.
I read up to chapter 8 and all chapters were fun to read.
I can't wait for the next update.
I feel so sorry for Hector and I really hope he gets to move on to the after life.
Anyway I like the idea of Hector being a ghost.
I enjoyed the story.
I have a suggestion for a story.
It's about Rosa Rivera.
Rosa married a nice young man who is a mariachi.
And they have a daughter.
They named her Luisa (after her aunt who died a few years before the story)
Rosa's daughter is blind.
Luisa even though she can't see she is very special because she has powers.
She sees the future and has super senses like she hears and has kinda like a spider-scence.
zeldawolf2000 chapter 8 . 3/27/2019
It was awesome seeing this in my inbox! I really like this story. It's the story we know, but it's different enough that it's still unique. Very good. The biggest question I have from this chapter is why doesn't hearing Coco's name gos anything in Héctor's memory? It seems like it would, especially with how much Héctor recalls now about his life. Could you explain that please?
Grima chapter 8 . 3/22/2019
Dumb question? Are you planning to send Miguel to the Spirit World?
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