Reviews for Night Terrors
Opuria chapter 4 . 4/6/2018
So good I've read this piece twice now. Initially, I was rather confused by Jill's "gills" fluttering in chapter 1- I kept wracking my brain over what misspelled body part autocorrect could reasonably transform into gills. It wasn't until I visited your other work that the pieces came together.

I adore your interpretation of the Sole Survivor. The dynamic she shares with the cast of the commonwealth is incredibly refreshing. This rough&tumble gal is a wonderful foil to your evolving Nick.

I can't/don't want to get into critique while using my phone -i've got a case of the lazies- but you should expect to read more from me come future installments (god I hope there are future installments). This is fantastic, great job.
Eutony chapter 2 . 4/4/2018
Well, damn.

This is everything I never knew I wanted. The Lovecraftian horror is *absolutely delicious*. I only took up Fallout 4 a few weeks ago, and haven't made it to the Dunwich Borers yet- guess I know where I'm off to next!

Looking forward to Jill's recollection of events!

and, chapter 3&4 are duplicated