Reviews for Repeat
music.1412 chapter 3 . 2/20/2019
Please update!
Guest chapter 3 . 7/28/2018
Pls update soon pls
555hikai chapter 2 . 4/2/2018
I love this so far! It's so hard to find new kennett so these updates are a relief!
JMHUW chapter 1 . 4/1/2018
Very curious to see how you have Rebekah react to Elena's apology. I think it's the first time I've seen a Groundhog Day style of Vampire Diaries story. Glad that Elena is not with any Salvatore and everyone (except the Salvatores probably) accepts that. I have a lot of theories about what I think might happen. Curious to see if I'll be correct or not. Can't wait to see what comes next. :)