Reviews for Secrets, Scandals and Love
Ipscott chapter 10 . 8/14
A very fun read. Thank you.
CupcakeW chapter 8 . 5/6
Well. But he really wasn't a bastard, because he is legitimate Carrick blood son. So he is the legal son. He isn't a Trevelyan, but this doesn't made a bastard. And he represent legally his heritage.
Munkeyfump20 chapter 10 . 11/21/2019
Wow thanks for the very good read.
Cutieveriza chapter 10 . 2/15/2019
Nice story
CTHEWOODS chapter 10 . 2/14/2019
Really good story!
heartstrings13 chapter 10 . 1/25/2019
Christi Jennings chapter 10 . 7/2/2018
Enjoyed this story very much. A true happy ending. Look forward to reading some of your other stories.
VRB Mariposa chapter 10 . 6/9/2018
Wow, this was such a great story that I read it all in one. I was reluctant because of the time period, but you did an amazing job keeping my interest. Thank you for sharing this with us. Such talent!
GREY CHIC chapter 10 . 5/16/2018
Thank you Sonny I really enjoyed this chapter and happy that good things happened with Ana and Christian
GREY CHIC chapter 9 . 5/16/2018
A wonderful ending to this chapter and no matter how this story is told they still found each other and love
GREY CHIC chapter 8 . 5/16/2018
This chapter has certainly turned out differently and thankfully for the good as long as Lady Anastasia will marry Lord Christian if he survives the 2 boxing matches
GREY CHIC chapter 7 . 5/15/2018
What an awful mess to be in and Ana is being stubborn I hope she comes to her senses and they marry
GREY CHIC chapter 5 . 5/15/2018
Christian walked out on Ana and took me by surprise-is this why Christian was not happy about having children -Why did he leave ? What is Christian hiding ?
GREY CHIC chapter 4 . 5/15/2018
This is a very different situation ,I cannot tell if Christian does not want Ana and then he profess his love for her
GREY CHIC chapter 3 . 5/14/2018
This is certainly a strange turn of events and especially since Ana loves Christian but he does not want a wife very interesting
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