Reviews for Riddle Me This
Jaddox394 chapter 3 . 5/24/2018
Great start! I’m really intrigued to find out what your clues are going to be! Really enjoying this so far can’t wait for more!
mandiixoxo chapter 1 . 4/23/2018
really enjoying this. i love theo/hermione fics and wish there was more of them. cant wait for the next update xx
toomanydamfandoms chapter 1 . 4/13/2018
Great start with it all. Although I am kinda bad at solving riddles, I do love a story of mysteries of sorts. I hope that you do update fairly. But no pressure to put on you, I myself struggle to update my stories, so no worries bro/sis/pal. I just wish you well to write passionately. Hmmmm, Dramione fanatic here but I have a soft spot for Theomione and I really think they should have more stories together. Alas, it's up to you. Good luck!
kingphoebes chapter 1 . 4/12/2018
Ooo, very interesting idea. Personally I'm down for a Hermione/Theo pairing, but ultimately it's up to you. Interested to see where this goes.