Reviews for The Semblances We Keep
Stickginge chapter 7 . 3/14
Ugh, arkos. I’ll be honest, I hate the ship and always (even at the end there) have felt it was one sided. Loving someone that quickly for such a thing like not knowing your famous is just rarely a good start.
Stickginge chapter 3 . 3/13
Not thing but question in this is Jaune’s denial of his semblance, he’s had it for a while has he not and so far it has never been wrong so why does he think it ever would be. Just seems weird to have a semblance that basically tells you the truth and then just go “ugh, what rubbish, that won’t happen”
Stickginge chapter 2 . 3/13
Never thought the two main leaders from the show would not end up being either teams leaders. Though I guess it literally came down to making the names work for a colour.

This is pretty amusing but Damon Weiss has it hard.
RohanVos chapter 9 . 2/23
Wonderful dialogue!
TheKingOfDucks6 chapter 5 . 1/12
that line about ren uncovering her lie made me crack up
HateReborn27 chapter 9 . 11/8/2019
I can not wait for the next update.
Zeta Grey chapter 5 . 10/11/2019
I disapprove of the Yang x Sun ship... let is burn and sink.

- Nice story.
BlueDraken chapter 1 . 10/10/2019
I like Your style of writing
lmc9389 chapter 9 . 10/2/2019
Good story
Tryson chapter 1 . 9/19/2019
Now this is Gordon I almost needed surgery to reattach the ass I laughed off
GamingFox666 chapter 1 . 9/9/2019
If you need any encouragement, every chapter I've read of this has put a smile on my face.
But if you're done, thanks for the story. T'was fantastic.
adbelvd chapter 9 . 6/22/2019
Very good and interesting history, hope we'll see more of it.
Gold chapter 2 . 6/16/2019
In my mind this is a much better team setup then the cannon one. maybe if they left the semblance from Jaune but gave the same amount of training I.e just enough to get in. It does have the issue of making team silver a bit loud, but the two teams could be tied together much closer then in cannon through yang and ruby.
Kvothe of Many Talents chapter 9 . 5/22/2019
Jaune with Tattletale's abilities? Damn, that's one hell of an idea - and the implementation was very good as well, combining humor and plot in a cohesive manner.

I am mildly disappointed in the fact that you seem to be following canon plot so closely, but you've only finished volume one, so it's too soon to judge.

And I do love the general tone of the fic - lighthearted and humorous, with serious undertones. Jaune seems likable and smart without actually being overpowered, Pyrrha does not wait until her impeding death to confess, and Blake-Weiss interactions are first class.

Overall, I hope you didn't abandon the fic and will eagerly await the next chapter.
SuperSoldier97 chapter 1 . 5/8/2019
continue this awesome story brother love to read more.
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