Reviews for A Shark of a Sister
Guest chapter 14 . 5/13
Please continue! chapter 14 . 2/17
Hope you update soon
jcheriscar chapter 14 . 2/7
U will be miss return to us soon
Guest chapter 14 . 10/1/2019
Love the story, hope it gets an update.
Counter-Guardian Emiya chapter 6 . 9/29/2019
Oh great the pedophile's at it again, just go back to your cave base orochimaru and don't come back out!
Samcal chapter 13 . 9/21/2019
Thanks for the chapter it's a good story waiting for the next release
Black Magic99 chapter 14 . 9/18/2019
so is this narux hinata or shion?
Guest chapter 8 . 7/22/2019
Worthless as hell. It manages to be both OOC AND somehow the plot still happens exactly like canon.
It's like you have not even a shred of originality or something.
The Megaevolved Pony chapter 14 . 6/22/2019
I'm sorry that's happenin' to ya. I hope you can get back on your feet at some point. I hope to see you in the next chapter.
dragon slayer of death 98 chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
i wonder if tier will be paired with anyone, i kinda hope its another girl, since ive always seen tier as either a lesbian or bisexual with a preference to women, what with her fraccion, and with her not really getting along with any males, or asexual
TheWiseGamer chapter 14 . 6/21/2019
can't wait for the next chapter good luck
Drake G. Reaper chapter 13 . 6/18/2019
Nice story I'm looking forward to when Sung-Sung, Mila-Rose and Appachi show up in the story they should be be brought in when Naruto is in the academy. He comes home tells Tier about a pair of girls who are picking on everyone and a third who just has them fight with each other. She checks it out and find her old subordinates.
merendinoemiliano chapter 14 . 6/17/2019
Best of luck with everything
EternalMatrix chapter 14 . 6/16/2019
Thx u for letting us know what's been happening, and that U've been very busy, it's nice to know that a good fic has a legitimate reason for being delayed, also can u let us know the name of this TitanfallXRWBY fic that U've been helping beta read?
DannyPhantom619 chapter 14 . 6/16/2019
At least you gave us some info, thank you
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