Reviews for A Woman Worthy of Being Pleased
verytypicalshipper chapter 1 . 9/13/2019
Mr. Darcy is my weakness; therefore Severus Snape and Sherlock Holmes are also my weaknesses. Ugh, I love it already.
senkihazi chapter 1 . 8/25/2019
I strongly encourage you to write and write, u r truly talented. I work as a translator, I translate romances to my native language and if I recognise something, I recognise a truly talented writer, that u most certainly are. believe me. your style, voice and, the way you guided the story, tells me this is a fic of a real writer! keep up the good work. really looking forward to read more of ur work
senkihazi chapter 1 . 8/25/2019
this fic was a absolutely delightful, awesome, wonderful and downright fenomenal. I love Pp, even did my ba in english lit thesis about pp I write ff too, but I only wish to be as half as talented as u r. U could be a professional writer. it isnt a small feat to be able to write sherlock as he is on tv and at the same time, follow pp so faithfully and closely. I loved the slow burn, the ending, this is pire perfection.
SaphyraBlu13 chapter 30 . 8/25/2018
Great story! I love the happy ending. What is the sequel named?
White.Demon.Feathers chapter 30 . 8/7/2018
Oh this was a fun and delightful read! I can't believe I finished it in less than 2 days! I absolutely loved every minute of it.
White.Demon.Feathers chapter 16 . 8/6/2018
This :
"In fact, prior to Sherlock's first text message, the only indication she had received was a short, uninformative text from John.

I'm sorry in advance. – JW"

I love this because it's what John would really do!
White.Demon.Feathers chapter 10 . 8/6/2018
Ohmigod! This is my favorite charter so far! This line : "As she peered out the window, she wondered for the millionth time if all blokes were morons, or if her expectations were just too high."
Me. All the me.
And Sherlock with Rosie! That was absolutely the best! Made me laugh out loud and I just had to leave a review that wonderfulness!
Pi-babe chapter 30 . 7/30/2018
I swallowed this whole Fic within 2 Days. I wasnt able to stop. I love it. Well written, addicting! Thank you for this splendid thing to read! 3
Jessiekat89 chapter 30 . 7/25/2018
Leave it to Sherlock to make having children a competition with both John and Mycroft. Lovely end to a great story.
semul chapter 30 . 7/23/2018
I honestly meant to leave more reviews but I couldn't stop reading. This story was just so addicting. This was a slow burn of epic proportions!

Every single thing about this story was perfection. The spot on dialogue, the perfect characterization, the effortless pacing, the clever callbacks to Pride and Prejudice, the angst, the resolution, the humor, I mean, wow!

You truly are a ferociously talented writer. You took two established characters and reached their full potential unlike any other writer has done. You did it with a mindfulness and respect that maintained the integrity of their characters. Not once did I feel like it was too much angst or the declarations were unbearably out of character. You gave them the appropriate character development they needed to get to the point where their union felt like a natural next step.

Okay, I'll try and stop gushing now. I'm just in love with this story and in awe of your talent. Again, thank you for dedicating your time to this and for being generous enough to share your work. You've definitely got another fan now! Lots of love!
semul chapter 5 . 7/22/2018
Oh that honest conversation between these two. My gosh! It felt cathartic. It felt real. And I could not stop smiling at Sherlock's in-depth research! Of course he'd go overboard. Oh this is just so brilliant. I love it!
semul chapter 19 . 7/22/2018
This was freaking adorable. I love how Molly's Pemberley is a countryside garden. This was so realistically romantic for them. It wasn't all bleeding hearts and confessions of angsty love. It was simple and quiet and so utterly intimate. I swear, I'm more blown away with each chapter.
semul chapter 18 . 7/22/2018
It's both killing me and making me giddy to see Sherlock squirm. I mean, I have faith Molly will give him a chance but his uncertainty has me questioning myself. I. Love. It. This story has my stomach fluttering like a bunch of crazed butterflies!
semul chapter 16 . 7/22/2018
Sherlock protecting Molly from destroying her own dreams and happiness is what I'm here for. I want this and you are serving it to me with such flourish I just never want it to end. I'm on the verge of tears with each chapter. It's just so damn perfect.
semul chapter 15 . 7/22/2018
Seeing Sherlock actually make an effort at trying to win her over through an honest friendship is so damn cute. Having Molly slowly start to lose the rose-tinted glasses is even better. So much honesty going on. It's fan-freakin-tastic!
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