Reviews for Harry Potter and the Dragon Lord
my.lost.sanity chapter 3 . 3/20
please fix the spelling, its wores than using the microphone to spell out what you want to text to someone
SaxoBoneGod chapter 1 . 12/21/2019
Just in the first chapter I already see that a good story plot was absolutely ruined by the grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I will be rewriting this and will finish by the end of the year, and I will give you credit, but I want people to read this and not be dismayed by the lack of grammar and vocabulary variation.
Corneliusduke chapter 14 . 11/24/2019
Corneliusduke chapter 11 . 11/24/2019
I wouldn't worry about the spelling to much , just use the best spell check you can. Keep your cell for making pvt notes and and use the laptop or desk top for completing your story. I hope this finds you well. I think Snape needs to know his betters.
edhuff chapter 9 . 11/24/2019
Need? Yes, need you to learn to spell, increase your vocabulary and proofread
Padfoot'smyMan chapter 3 . 11/22/2019
This was as far as I could force myself to read. Spelling is just horrendous and the grammar is not much better. I can live with a few misspelt words and grammar problems, but you have taken it to the extreme.
First, you need to watch out for homophones (know VS no, or there VS their). Second is the fact that the sentences are very choppy. It is like watching amateur playhouse hour at the local theatre.
I really wanted to read this as I loved the concept. Find a good beta who can clean up your mistakes and repost as I think with a lot of help this could be a wonderful story. chapter 3 . 10/23/2019
Ouch ... this is really hard to read.

Many, many typos
Many uses of the wrong word like know instead of no.
"I will do her KNOW harm."

The typos should be easy to deal with considering all modern word processing programs have spellcheck.
Smokeing chapter 3 . 10/20/2019
Very good story so far lot of misspellings
J. El Lions Lohn Caesar chapter 1 . 10/19/2019
not usually one to nit pick a storyfor grammar and spelling, it is easy to make mistakes, I get it. However, this is just a struggle to read. First of all, a full stop does not need a space before it. When you add spaces it just makes the text very spread out and awkward to read. A space afterwards is needed though. Comma's also exist and can be used to break up sentences. If English isn't your first language the you need a Beta because your grammer is wrong to the point that it's like a riddle trying to read.
cici love chapter 1 . 10/17/2019
You have a good Concept I would just try to log into computer with word and fix your grammar I got to chapter 4 and I couldn’t anymore
Jim chapter 3 . 10/13/2019
Sorry but this is unreadable
midnightscar17 chapter 1 . 10/14/2019
You need to fix your grammar it honestly looks like shit
Xavras chapter 3 . 10/13/2019
grammar - it is a thing. It actually helps people read what you write.
Spelling matters, not just in English class.
Pain, lots of pain trying to read this.
Too many questions and too many parts that make absolutely no sense.
zer0-sama chapter 18 . 10/13/2019
yea XD
The Morphin' Physic4ist chapter 1 . 7/28/2019
There are not enough Harry/Fleur pairings so when I found this I thought "Great!", and it's complete too.

I didn't survive beyond the first paragraph. Ten obvious spelling mistakes in thirteen sentences (personal nitpick: most of the sentences would also qualify as short phrases), that's almost one per sentence. In a world with ubiquitous spellcheckers there is no possible excuse for this.

Then there is the grammar. If English is not your first language I can understand the problem, but in that case you need to get a beta reader and go through this story again. If English is your first language then get a beta. You really do need help if you want to write in a fashion that people will both understand and also enjoy reading.

And finally there is the the structure and punctuation. The phrasing is awkward and broken as you jerk from one sentence to the next so there is no flow to the narrative, and the puctuation is distracting to the eye making the text even more difficult to read. There is never a space before a punctuation mark, the space comes after. What you did is really irritating to a reader and takes attention away from the story.

I didn't manage to read enough (one paragraph) to decide whether or not the basic idea of your story was any good, but if you want to write it would be good practice for you to go over this work again.
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